Stock market volatility dissertation

Posted: Fotpod Date of post: 04.06.2017
stock market volatility dissertation

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DISSERTATION ON Impact of Oil price volatility on Stock Mark by Tushar Sahay on Prezi

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stock market volatility dissertation

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THANK YOU Presented by Tushar - Under the Guidance of Prof.


Latha Ramesh The research articles used consists of two sub-topics - a. Relation in price movements of oil prices and stock market.

Reaction of investors towards this movement. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The dissertation tries to study the effect of stock market movements with respect to the crude oil price volatility. For this study, secondary research will be done.

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Movement of stock prices of Indian oil companies. Effect of news and other global events on crude oil supply and its prices.

Primary Data - Used for collection of investor's preference data regarding investments. Secondary Data - Used for identifying relation between oil prices and stock markets. The various sources used are - 1. MCX Whether there is a unidirectional casualty running from oil prices to stock prices.

stock market volatility dissertation

Whether there is a linear relationship between the crude oil price fluctuations and the stock market return. Whether oil prices have influence on the inflation rate. The volatility of the prices of OPEC-produced crude oil is similar to volatility of the prices of non-OPEC-produced crude oil. The prices of OPEC and non-OPEC crude have a similar reaction to different news items and global events. Augmented Dickey Fuller ADF Johansen's Co-Integration Technique The study also talks about how the investors investing pattern get affected by the movement of the crude oil prices.

For this part of the study, primary data will be collected from the investors across India. Oil is one of the most important commodities which plays an important role in the economy of each and every country. As crude oil is also one of the most important part of Indian imports so, its effects on the stock markets need to be studied.

Also, across the world a large number of research on such topics have been done but in Indian context, there is hardly any research in this field.

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