How to play the stock market neopets

Posted: smart_bug Date of post: 22.06.2017

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Discussion To those who play the stock market.. I was just wondering what your portfolios look like? I am working on expanding mine, one bulk of shares at a time, but I'm wondering when to stop buying into more companies and to start increasing my shares in the companies I'm already invested in.

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I would suggest to buy mostly the same ones but I ended up stocking quite a lot of different companies cause I stick to the "15" thing. I buy whatever's at 15, if there's more than one I check my portfolio and buy the one I own less in.

Tyrannian Tribe 11 FFQ since Jan. And when I sell something that shot over 60, I sell all but 1 share so I can track when it comes back down and repurchase the ones that are stable I'll keep 2 if it's one that constantly jumps up and down if I remember: Probably, but there's definitely been times I've not sold, hoping it will go higher and it plummeted.

Selling too early is just a risk you take. Or you could stagger sell when it reaches your price point.

how to play the stock market neopets

For example if your target sell point is 60, maybe sell half of your shares and wait until 75 to sell another half of the rest or all. It's entirely up to you.

Neopets/Stock market — StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki

And if the share drops below 60, maybe pick a minimum sell point, possibly where you just sell the rest off. Lmao, the funny thing here is, I'm a financial planner and this is exactly why I pick Mutual Funds! Timing the market is nearly impossible! I buy my daily 15 k worth of stocks each day. If I'm presented with multiple choices, I pick the stock I have the most of until I get to a point where if that stock hits 60, I'll make 1 million.

Let's say I have a choice between two stocks like Chia and DROO, and both of them have my base amount shares, then I pick the stock with the best grade. This allows me to diversify my portfolio in such a way that I have both long and short term assets. FAER hits 60 much, much faster than DROO does for example. I feel like this provides a steadier revenue stream since focusing on only the stocks with the best grades mean you're only hitting small profits since the stocks rise too frequently to amass many shares.

If you're willing to play the long con, build and diversify before you start focusing exclusively on top performers. When you start focusing on top performers I'd also suggest dedicating two days a week to buying under performers. If you do that you'll be taking in more long term. Plus, if you're in a pinch and need to sell a few stocks, they hit 30 often enough and you can just treat them like a high interest bearing bank account.

Yes, this was VERY helpful. I honestly haven't even looked at stock grades. Bout to go see how my report card is looking with the ones I've bought, haha. I buy stocks everyday of a random company i already have shares in thats at 15, 16 or 17 points. I like to have more stocks in a few companies instead of spreading over alot of companies. I used to buy any stock at 15 before, but recently I use Neodaq stock report to determine which one to buy.

And I try to "clean up" my portofolio by selling any low-rated stocks D and below when they're not too far from my buying price 13 or But I just started doing this so I don't know if this strategy is good or not: I play it really weirdly.

I do the buy-at, sell-at thing, but how I choose what to buy is different from most people. Every day when I buy, I search the all-the-stocks page for all instances of 15, and evenly divide the shares I buy between them. It makes my portfolio look really messy and haphazard, but it works pretty well.

It has bit me before something I only had like of hit 60 , but it guarantees I have maximum variety, so it usually doesn't take too long between 60 hits. I used to do that a long time ago! I've personally found that buying 1k a day in a single stock is more satisfying though heh.

I buy 1k shares a day, every day I play. I buy at 15, if there's more than one at 15 I buy whichever I have less of. Just read some replies, same as Wazapets. I usually keep 2k shares "just in case" of what? Depending on the size of your current portfolio, I would suggest investing in unique companies, as there are 43 unique companies iirc and 2 of them are absurdly high and out of buying range.

That leaves 41 companies to choose from and a handful should be available at minimum 15 per share. This way, you can gradually build your portfolio to include approximately half the available companies out there.

Maybe work on 5kk of those companies. Then diversify and expand slowly. Just be patient and in no time, you should have a self-sustaining portfolio!

Depending on your sell point and how quickly you need the NP, you should be able to bring in a steady profit for a few minutes of work each day! I personally try to buy at 15 or 10 when I have the Stock Market boon.

But there are some days I'm unable to find one when I'm on Neo, so I buy at 16 or Not a big deal in the larger scheme of things, it'll just affect your profit by a small percentage. When there are multiple stocks at my target price, I buy whichever I have less of. If I have an equal amount of shares, I choose whichever has the better grade on the Neodaq page.

Then, as you build up your portfolio, you can consider raising that price. I buy stocks that are exactly 15np and have a decent grade on neodaq. So should I focus on investing in those companies before I start increasing my shares in each one? When is a good time to buy more shares in a stock I've already invested in? Also I'm assuming it'll be a few months before I have a fully self sustaining portfolio?

Basically, if you spread yourself thin, as in only owning a couple thousand shares in 40 unique companies, you won't be making a significant amount of NP when it reaches the sell point.

how to play the stock market neopets

Inversely, if you only own 50k in 1 company, you may wait years until it reaches the sell point. Basically, try to find a happy medium and work on expanding the portfolio from there. Just buy your maximum shares per day and think of your portfolio as a savings account and periodically check in on it to cash in at your sell point. And I would say so, if not more. The stock market is a waiting game, and your patience will pay off: I'll find a happy medium.

Maybe work on building up five at a time. I really appreciate the advice. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy and Content Policy.

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Took a break from checking the stock market and then this!

how to play the stock market neopets

After taking quite a long hiatus from neopets, I decided to start playing again and it's like I never left. I ended up digging my old plushies out of storage. So happy to see a thriving community still here: Just in case anyone is wondering what it looks like when your team sucks. How do you guys do it? I also sell at Kind of depends on my mood. I buy stocks from and wait to sell, at Anyways, sorry for the word vomit. I'm gonna do that from now on. I've always wondered if I should be splitting my stock buying up.

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