Citibank international atm rates

Posted: bodBZ Date of post: 24.06.2017

There was a time when everyone used to travel with travelers checks or big wads of cash they've exchanged at their home bank.

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But the world has moved on and ATM use is easier and cheaper than ever. Check out below how to travel with your ATM card.

Traveling Abroad – Travel Overseas with Citi - Citibank

Visa and Mastercard are both widely accepted in Europe. Germany, surprisingly, is one of the slowest countries to widely accept credit and debit cards, particular in bars and restaurants.

citibank international atm rates

Eastern Europe, on the other hand, is one of the best places in the world for card transactions, while in Iceland, even vending machines take cards. American Express is less widespread.

And be aware of Citibank's claim that you'll find a Citibank branch wherever you.

Citibank in the US doesn't guarantee their cards will work in non-Citibank machines outside the US. Their website only says it can be used for free in 45, ATMs in 30 countries.

Using Your Debit or Credit Card in ATMs and Shops in Europe

If they can be used in other machines, it would presumably be for a fee that the bank seems unwilling to put on its website. You also need a Citibank Gold card to avoid fees.

Banking at Citibank®: Our Worldwide ATM Network - Citibank® - Citibank

Using Your Debit or Credit Card in ATMs and Shops in Europe. Using Your Debit or Credit Card in ATMs and Shops in Europe Who charges what for cash withdrawals in Europe?

citibank international atm rates

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