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Posted: seoman2 Date of post: 15.06.2017

I seriously considered shorting the market first thing yesterday morning, and have the e-mail record to prove it. It was based on the fact that every single bit of anecdotal information I had from real people ran against what experts and the polls were saying.

For instance, the overwhelming majority of Hispanics I ran into, once I gave them latitude to express their views by saying I hated both candidates, made clear they were seriously entertaining a Trump vote, including a van driver in Dallas. The upper income, 30s to middle aged guys in my gym, all of whom save one had been Sanders voters, were voting for Trump I added another one to that tally tonight.

The ish partner from Apollo who sat next to me on the plane to Dallas a rare sighting, private equity partners rarely slum by flying commercial was reading the New York Post and checking Drudge on his iPhone and thus clearly not going to vote for Clinton.

So even though my sample was small and I have more examplesit said the closeted Trump voter was a real phenomenon and likely bigger than anyone was allowing for.

The election outcome was based not just on Clinton being a terrible candidate on the merits, but on the abjectly poor conduct of the Clinton campaign. Let us not forget that Clinton had every advantage: Presidential campaign experience, the full backing of her party, a much bigger ground apparatus, oodles of experts and surrogates, the Mighty Wurlitzer of the media behind her, an opponent widely deemed to be world-class terrible — utterly unqualified, undisciplined, offensive, with a mother lode of scandals — and what historically was deemed the most important asset of all, a large lead in fundraising.

Yet Clinton was a lousy campaigner and strategist. All the big-ticket Madison Avenue spin-meistering could not get the dogs to eat enough dog food. That is tantamount to saying you have no intention of representing them. The Red Wave is rolling across this country because the Democrats wont listen to their base. It was her decision to set-up a private email server.

It was her decision to serve as Secretary of State while accepting millions from foreign governments. It was her decision to get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars while unofficially running for President. It was her decision to call millions of Americans deplorable. The liberal histrionics and gnashing of teeth especially on twitter are actually just making me mad now.

So, you sat out the fight from to the present and suddenly NOW the world is coming to an end. Where were you when Occupy was scuttled by your precious Democratic administration?

Where were you when Secretary Clinton was negotiating away the last vestiges of labor rights in this country? Where have you been while state after state has passed right to work laws? Where were you when the current administration ramped up deportations? Where were you when the DoJ pumped weapons into Mexico just to see what would happen? Where were you when a sixteen year old American kid was blown to pink mist in Yemen?

And the list goes on…. I should make this into a card that I hand to every single person tomorrow who blubbers about the coming apocalypse. The world was already on fire. Now the veil has been lifted.

We have very little idea of what a Trump presidency will amount to. My best guess has been that he will be a Jimmy Carter cubed in Berlusconi packaging. Recall that even though Carter has been the best former President of the modern era, he came to Washington as an outsider with his Georgia team. Despite having ben a governor and thus knowing how to draft legislation and get bills passed, he famously got little accomplished despite having a Democratic party majority in the House and Senate.

Trump is likely to spend his first year, and conceivably his entire Presidency, with all of the Democratic party and enough of the Republican party against him to stymie him, fighting for the right to govern.

And that assumes he has an agenda beyond the very few goals he has articulated consistently: The only initiatives where the Republicans might back him solidly are cutting taxes and ending Obamacare, and even then, given the lobbying power of Big Pharma and the health insurers, the Republicans might not be as willing to pull the trigger on Obamacare as all their kvetching would lead you to believe. There is one more Trump campaign promise that will serve as an important early test of his seriousness as well as his survival skills: If Trump is to cut the cancer of the neocons out of the policy establishment, he has to have them on the run.

It will be hard for Trump to do much to alter the course of the military-surveilance complex unless he can hamstring the warmongers. Finally, those on the left need to turn the blame cannon aimed squarely at them back on the professional hacks who are truly responsible. Despite their tiresome chest-beating about meritocracy, these Acela corridor bubble-dwellers are constitutionally incapable of holding their fellow club member accountable. And unless they were at the top of the professional classes, they felt defeated by not being able to pay for their kids to go to college and being uncertain as to how to advise them with their educations and job prospects.

The Democrats under Clinton and Obama abdicated the duty of the elites, which is to improve the conditions for, or at least limit harm to, the members of the communities they lead. Even Bill Clinton did remember that the most important duty for a Democrat is to create jobs, even if he did so by presiding over a rise in household debt and a stock market bubble.

Young people, who poll well to the left of their elders, have inferred a lesson that the labor movement forgot: And the left decided to return the favor. She made clear she has no intention of representing them.

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They heard her message loud and clear and acted accordingly. The big question to me is, take over the hollow shell of the Democratic Party, or crush it with a new party. Is it possible to take over the Ds — as weak as it is now as a party — without being corrupted and co-opted?

I now hate my former party to such a degree, I find myself recoiling at having anything at all to do with it. But given all the institutional constraints, it still may be smart to try; the answer is above my pay grade, as they say. This is an important question to consider as we see how the Democratic party responds to this well-deserved defeat. Trump seems to be gracious when he wins and gets what he wants, but plays really dirty to win.

He goes after anyone that is an obstacle. I will laugh when he airs the dirty laundry. At least there may not be war, nothing will get done, except getting rid of the insurance company bailout. Two can play at her game. I also wonder if she would have said anything about Russia.

She would have said what you said, and crowed that she had defeated intolerance, but also said we all gotta live together, she will be the president of everyone etc.

Bush said something similar in IMHO Hillary Clinton just delivered a heartrending speech. Both she and Trump in his victory speech were able to rise above their respective occasion, and each in their own way, show the necessary statesmanship. Their calls for unity will hopefully be reflected upon, embraced, and enacted upon by the entire nation in the coming days. I almost felt bad for her.

The only speech of hers I could bring myself to watch. Among other things, she could not give up it being about her and elite women breaking the glass ceiling:. Trump might yet suprise us by getting a lot done. He did so repeatedly during the campaign and the primary. Not that he necessarily accomplishes positive things.

The record of celebrity political executives in the US is poor in that regard. Arnold Schwarznegger, who had vastly better interpersonal skills than Trump plus the advantage of having married into the politically expert Kennedy clan, basically ran out steam after six months. Jesse Ventura similarly was not a very productive governor. He has never governed. Nevertheless, change of guards at DC is healthy in the long term. I presented my view of it about a year ago on another blog.

Trump has gutted much of the power structure elite in both the Republican and Democratic parties. Obama was such a hopeful example like that but then he put Geithner and Holder into his cabinet….

One speculation is John Bolton as Secretary of State, which means start getting bids on a bomb not fallout shelter. Rudy Giuliani is expected to be Attorney General. I wish I could stop speculating in the absence of data. Someone commented yesterday that the US is scheduled to have Nato puttroops in Ukraine in January.

We will know in January if Trump has the spine to stop the elite next war plans. Trump is considering John Bolton as his Secretary of State. Any idealism about him not perpetuating our exponential global war seems naive considering his circle of advisors. Bush ran against the Clinton wars too and we all know how that turned out.

It would almost appear, in the words of another Donald Rumsfeld ……. Bernie Sanders just released an official and constructive statement on the election of Trump, albeit with a key cautionary note, in which he looks to achieve pro-growth policies with Trump and which will positively impact that large slice of America hurting the most: Poland bought German Leapord Tanks, and I believe they will fight.

Russian tanks are reported to be superior and tactical nukes are doctrine. Far as the irredeemable Democrats: They will not do necessary things In Order, Do Follow-up, Lie in the fine print, and lie for fun or Cover-up for failure.

Neo Squares and block heads are running our world. Far more worrisome to me is the very real possibility of a President Pence. Donald may end up impeached or otherwise unable to serve his term due to legal troubles, etc. Pence scares the shit out of me in a way that Trump does not.

Once the base figures that out and gets restive, he will need a large national crisis to pull his supporters together again against a common foe — a major conflict would suit that need admirably and be perfectly consistent with his aggressive, impulsive character.

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Infrastructure spending would generate tons of jobs, and no less than Larry Summers has pointed out, it pays for itself in GDP terms. Trump could deficit spend and the GDP impact over time would be to reduce the big false scary monster that the orthodox like to handwave about, the Federal debt to GDP ratio.

If so, the rentiers are in line for yet another big payday. Get ready for private roads, bridges, water systems etc. Infrastructure requires planning and design at the local level: The actual construction of projects is performed by a work-force that is more and more Latino.

So, if the folks who voted for Trump think there is employment coming in the next few months, they will be disappointed. If a WPA-like general work program is instituted, jobs may appear but productivity will be low. The Davis-Bacon Act would lift wages, however. Trump never promised to turn on a job spigot overnight. He pretty strongly suggested in his acceptance speech that change would take time. If you have evidence to the contrary, please provide a link.

More toll roads, perhaps? Look at the skill sets necessary to build, maintain, and operate infrastructure. It is an almost perfect match for the unemployed and under-employed coal miners, manufacturing workers etc.

So an infrastructure program would be a good solution for his voters while investing in the future of the country and a fair amount of the cost would come back from immediate income taxes and the multiplier of increased economic activity. The infrastructure aspects of the New Deal were some of the most successful in the s — we have a heavily used park across the road from us built by the CCC while the people working on it were able to use their manual skills rebuilding their dignity and giving them a paycheck.

A New Deal from Mr Trump. Big spending packages are necessary to turn America Greater. Still it will be difficult to achieve permanent new well paid fulltime-jobs for the low educated. Americans would have to move. Investments should be directed and subsidized. I do not rembember how big the government debt pro capita was after WW2 but there are one important difference for sure. Back then people had savings.

This is not really the situation today among the low middle class, I suppose. Financing spending could be done the MMT-way, creating money out of thin air by congress not the FED instead of issuing debt. Inflation and interest-rates are very low. Inflation will pick up and bankreserves could later be cut by issuing debt to raise floor-rates.

A big shunk of todays GD must be prolonged for up to at least 50 years of duration with extra high-rate tail coupons. Why not America Great Bonds! At the same time certain large expeditures have to be slashed.

Healthcare and Medicare have to be reformed to better suit the needs of the working poor. Not an easy task. Positive interest paying sovereign debt is welfare proportional to wealth. Instead, the proper abolition of government-provided deposit insurance would greatly increase the demand for fiat because the liquidity needs of the entire population, in aggregate, greatly exceed the liquidity needs of the usury cartel.

In addition to that, the fiat savings of the population would be actual and not government insured liabilities to fiat. Yes for investment-banks it would be a bless. Back to a modern Glass-Steagall. If I understand you right money in the bank would be with-drawn by households?

Where would it go then? Still interbankmarket have to place their net liquidity. Household-money will only be transferred into safer banks, I guess.

Sorry but I do not really understand your point. Household-money are already into circulation or placed at the centralbankwith or without deposit insurance. Money for government investments either have to be printed, loaned or taxed.

There the reserves would sit subject only to the spending, lending and saving decisions of the account owners themselves and not the PCS and earning no interest either, being risk-free. Because banks typically have multiple times the amount of deposits than they have fiat to redeem them with. Government provided deposit insurance is a major means by which they get away with this. Remove that and provide a PCS or equivalent and the banks will have to come up with a great deal more fiat or default on their liabilities.

That additional fiat should come via equal fiat distributions to all adult citizens since it is they whom the banking cartel has looted. From there the new fiat could be lent or sold to the banks so they can fulfil their liabilities for fiat. Another is to raise revenue, i. Until then insurance was not needed. The problem is not only insurance. I do not think so. A growing economy needs credit.

Without credit savings would not grow enough to grow the economy long term. You seem to suggest some form of gold-standard. If aggregate demand for money increase and banks can not create loans the price for money would go up. Banks then have to raise money from their owners which also raise the price of money. How would lending work for the household-accounts at PCS? Who will take the lending-risk. Competition between banks for household-money will increase interest-rates. The Positive Money people believe in positive yeilding sovereign debt as a means to drain reserves.

Yes, the problem is not only deposit insurance and the lack of a convenient Postal Checking Service — ALL fiat creation for the private sector should be abolished too and other explicit and implicit privileges for the banks removed. And they could always act as loan intermediaries between savers and borrowers. Equal fiat distributions to all adult citizens, in addition to perpetual deficit spending, could provide all the new capital a growing economy needs and without the inherent boom-bust cycle and growing private debt burden of government privileged private credit creation.

Better that banks were never privileged to begin with and that includes implicit privileges such as the lack of a convenient, safe, easy to use Postal Savings Service or equivalent for all citizens and their businesses, organizations, etc.

Again equal fiat distributions to all citizens can drive interest rates in fiat to as low as needed. All spending, lending and saving decisions would be at the discretion of individual account owners.

Once again equal fiat distributions to all citizens can drive interest rates in fiat to as low as needed. Nothing warms the cockles of my heart like watching those useless, simpering fucks like Krugman and Klein and Yglesias and Stewart and Colbert and Maddow and Brazille cry and stamp their feet as their audience dwindles to nothing. I want them to weep uselessly at their failed and unpromising futures, knowing that the salary of a Senator is the best that they can hope for.

I want them to fear getting spat in the eye and laughed at by cute millenials when they reveal their affiliations and beliefs. I want the meritocracy to chew them up and spit them out. I want to watch them as their ridiculous world of civility and rationality crumbles. I want to hear the wheeze of contempt and horror as the working class rises up as one and casts these dorks to mediocrity.

Weakling turd Klein was already publishing Vox articles, mere HOURS after the election, about moving to Canada. They have no integrity. I was actually thinking about him as I colored in the little bubble next to TRUMP on the ballot, and the shadenfreud of it all actually caused me to bear down on the pen so hard I almost went through the paper.

They are without integrity and would be a drain on Canadian society. We have enough problems here as is. This is exactly what I wanted to wake up to on this fine morning!

Thanks again to Yves, Lambert, Jerri-Lynn and everyone here for making this post-election morning so very enjoyable! I hope there will also be some eventual discussion on the results with regards to the Green and Libertarian parties. I was keeping my fingers, toes, and any other wiggly part of me! Bernie sanders is a gutless wonder and a hypocrite! Had he stood up to Hillary, when the scandal broke out, I would have respected him but NOT any more. Instead he still endorsed her!

Yeah, and if downticket contests were so important to Bernie, then how come his home state now has a corporatist Repugnican governor-elect?

Yes, by backing Clinton Sanders repudiated his positions. But who else could serve as an immediately available placeholder to help supplant the neolib apparatchiks? They are in disarray, going through a shock and awe moment. Who else do you have in mind? I awoke to a strange noise this morning. A kind of wailing, moaning sound, but with electric overtones….

I like Bernie, but we would have to broadly change the DNC for it to actually represent the left. It would have to distance itself from some of its largest funders Wall Street. The best thing Bernie could now do to further our cause would be to very publicly join the Green Party and suggest that other like-minded Senators and Congressmen join him. Let the DNC wallow in self-pity. We need a 40 year old Bernie.

Enough of this Baby Boomer generation, they fucked up the world after a few hippies gave them good direction. By the way China is importing coal from North Korea and supplying hard cash to finance their nukes. An environmentally inspired trade war might actually work. There have several news programs which ran series about individuals trying to live buying only those things Made in the USA.

Difficult to find things, and, for those in the lower economic quintiles, extremely difficult to afford them. It would take longer than that to get manufacturers build new factories and bring back any overseas facilities now have.

Trump crushed his primary opponents with just as much, if not more, open hostility from his party leaders. The Republicans are as right wing as ever, and they thoroughly dominate the electoral map in the US outside if the coasts. The Democrats dominate the coasts, and they won a huge amount of votes, despite losing. Where are the green party congressmen, mayors, county executives?

You guys are tripping. Because the DNC worked to sabotage Sanders, so did the liberal commentariat, and the unions all stuck with Clinton from the start. And the broadcast news media ignored Sanders in favour of Clinton and Trump almost until New Hampshire. And because the Republican primaries are winner take all, allowing Trump to build up a big lead, and he had 15 opponents who withdrew only gradually.

And probably some other stuff I forgot to include. And Sanders had not done the ground work to get black institutions, commentators and celebrities. And Jeff Weaver concentrated spending on TV ads, which are not demonstrated to have much use in getting votes, instead of ground game to help primary voters navigate the process esp registered independents. And Clinton has been building her machine since If you think about it, Trump faced much more hostility and opposition in the Republican party and still managed to bulldoze his way to the front.

Sanders destroyed among voters who use the internet as their primary source. Voters spoon fed the evening news went with Hillary. IMO Sanders was kneecapped by the black political establishment. Many AA voters after years of shitty tricks to steal their votes trust the CBC and other institutions like their churches. For many AA, voting is more a ritual than something you do because you feel motivated by a specific candidate souls to the polls, ect.

My working theory is that Clinton got the nomination by using her Super Pac funded data operation to target voters who were rather apathetic as to who got the democratic nomination and got them to vote for her in the least painful way possible. She did better then expected in every state I can think of with a significant amount of absentee voting. AZ, FL, CA, OH, TN and WY come to mind. WY because it was a caucus where Bernie was favored but I remember a story about some vote by mail they had.

I can also think of some notable states with little to no absentee voting where she did much worse than expected given other factors; MI, MO, IL, IN, and KY. I never saw any evidence of such a tactic. Her absentee voting scam was old school. It was treating her as a consumer product. I think her SuperPacs dumping a ton of money with promises of more in ads to the media companies owned by her donors to control what they would say and incentivize them to block Bernie even more than their existing class interests would had more to do with the outcome.

The New York media literally refused to report that Bernie had been invited to the Vatican in the run-up to that primary. Would Sanders have won with out the SD system? Sanders kept being surprised by how bad it is for people. That is equally out of touch. I was annoyed that he kept being surprised and had to adapt his campaign for the misery. He never should have given her a pass on her setting up a private email system to avoid Freedom of Information Act requests, the Clinton Foundation and all the other skeletons in her closet.

Moreover, he did her and the Democratic Party no favors by ignoring that skeleton army. She was extremely weak there, and Sanders completely ignored it. He lost because of it.

Trump focused on it and won. Sanders had to campaign between a rock and a hard place. He started out relatively unknown as it was. But being part of the Dems meant dealing with a party controlled by his primary opponent. I can just imagine what Podesta, Mook, Brazile, and DWS would have done if he had gone for the jugular.

The man would have ended up in the political equivalent of a back-alley dumpster. These people are Mafiosi in all but name. Yes, a weakness that made me meh about his candidacy. I just did not think he was serious. I watched local young people upset and felt they were more serious about getting him elected than he was. I think not criticizing the Ds was an error also.

His came across as someone who supports the system and the D party generally and while the e-mails confirmed the corruption of the party, he is silent. He seemed to passive-aggressively self-sabotage by refusing to go balls-to-the-wall against Hillary. Would the markets be up, or down? Also, I would demand a statement from Sanders on the drone program.

During the primary, he stated he supports the drone program and will use it. I was appalled at the time. That has not always been the case. When you kill innocent people, the end result is that people in the region become anti-American who otherwise would not have been. If he had said that he would completely reject drones, he would have been bombarded with accusations of supporting terrorism. To add to the list… 1 Superdelegates and the media announcing the oligarchy delegates as delegates won on all their bar graphs even from the beginning of the primary process- giving Clinton an apparently insurmountable lead.

Ironically, Hillary handily won all the states in the primaries, that were no help to her in the general election. On issue after issue, majorities have favored progressive approaches — not merely recently — for years.

The schadenfreude is a little overwhelming here. The oligarchy will be well-tended by this authoritarian clown, whose environmental policies, by the way, are stupid and evil. There also remains a deep anti-intellectualism that compromises any solid understanding of our environmental predicament.

I think one thing to maybe remember is that we have actual evidence of Clinton not taking on corporate influence and the fossil fuel industry. Voters might have preferred the chance, however remote, to the historical record. I agree somewhat on the anti-illectualism but think that is more a symptom than a cause of our current predicament. This is a toxic phenomenon that deserves the light of day. Anti-intellectualism is now both symptom and cause—a poisonous feedback loop, one that has made, for example, climatology the kind of profession that can bring you death threats, and helped Congress get away with defunding independent science, thereby turning scientific endeavor increasingly over to corporate-funded interests.

Either way, anti-intellectualism should invite response. She did, after all, promote fracking in Poland. I just think it would have been easier to hold her feet to the fire on climate change, given that she claims to believe in it, than to change the position of Donald Trump, who is very likely to be immovable.

Clinton was nearly as open in her contempt for a huge demographic as Trump was for another one, and it played a big role in her losing.

I contend that her being elected instead of Trump would not have reduced bigotry so much as redirected it. I reject the accusation of a personal blind spot. To suggest that I did is to have misread what I said. Why was it so easy for so many to believe such an obviously phony crony capitalist? We need to focus on and organize around what unites us bernie supporters and trump supportersthe economy.

We elected a black man twice to the Presidency. He continues to enjoy better approval ratings than either of the two candidates. There will always be racism, just like there will always be idiots, but the core of it is broken in this country and it belongs to the lunatic fringe now. Even Archie Bunker was shocking then.

This election does not reveal that we have suddenly regressed 50 years on race overnight. We are better than that. They are too married to ideology to place country and countrymen over politics and partisanship.

The message was packaged in the language of incoherent rage because that is the common man today. Trump was a disaster candidate.

Anyone who honestly cares could have beaten him handily. He beat the Republican field because they all compete to outdo one another to see who can be the most ideological pure soulless monster, where as Trump is nearly ideologically incoherent. She was exactly the wrong candidate. I voted against Mr Trump and would do so again in a heartbeat, but I am grateful to him for explaining to us in the most astonishing terms just how the Democrats have gone wrong in the last 25 years.

That change was not going to come from inside. I hope the Democrats learn and learn well. It is an expensive lesson. Reince Priebus as chief of staff, oil company shill leading the EPA transition, corporate lobbyists in charge of the labor dept transition, Jamie fucking Dimon floated for treasury secretary!

Rudy Giuliani for AG, Gingrich or Bolton for Sec State? Not to mention that a literal white supremacist is going to be a top advisor to the president. Trump associates with some of the shittiest people in the world, and he has his whole life Roy Cohn being a notable example. Expecting him to shake things up in any positive matter is delusional.

As any regular reader of Down With Tyranny! Because it worked so well to make Howard Dean DNC chair, although if the Dems had listened then…. It worked GREAT to put Dean in charge. He delivered a sturdy Congressional majority to the Democratic Party.

Which the Democratic Party immediately fired him over, and installed incompetent frat boy Kaine to dismantle, because majorities mean delivering policy for your base and not your donors. Why would Bernie Sanders want to be Chairman of a party of Clintonites, Obamacrats, Kossholes and Koswipes? If Sanders agreed to be Chairman of the DNC, he would want to purge and bern the Clintonites and Obamacrats out of it till it became the opposite of the Party it is now.

Would the Kossies like it then? Wow I thought you might be kidding. The diary is really by Kos. He who banned ppl from attacking Clinton when she was ahead in the primaries on the grounds that it would weaken her in the general. And said Sanders has the vision but Clinton has the wonk.

People whose voting rights are further eroded, whose environment becomes unlivable, who cannot get a decent living from low wage jobs…name any of so many important issues which a court teeming with ultraconservative judges will decide in favor of, probably, corporations and rightwingers — how will such people agree it was worth it?.

I did not vote for Hillary. As of today, Stein got. Can Bernie organize enough people able to carve time from their two to three jobs, necessary to support how to make money in martial arts family, to build a real opposition to the Corporatists of both parties?

What do those with little to no discretionary income do??? What if he makes cuts to SocSec and privatizes it, as Repubs and Corporatist Dems seem to so dearly desire? There will be some new jobs there…. I mean, why fuck around with this namby pamby liberal lip service. I strongly concur with the sediment. With a Republican controlled Government and a reflection of Reagan, a whole host of corruption is likely to be afoot.

As was said before but regarding Hillary, it will be up to us to hold the Republicans accountable and keep their feet close to the fire. So our period of self loathing will need to be short. The House and Senate will need to be overturned in two years and that seems to be the biggest battle forex 1m scalper all!

As has been mentioned, I hope enough Republicans join Dems in keeping Trump on the straight and narrow. Now is not the time to gloat. As we wrote, one of her top Treasury secretary picks was advancing an idea she had already said she wanted, that of government mandated retirement accounts that would funnel cash directly from worker paychecks to Wall Street.

This is more than any estimate of what it would take to fix Social Security. I would add this to the list of her blunders. It was not difficult to join the dots from this to the massively increased revenues to Wall Street that would result, and many of the media reports did so.

The only explanation I can think of is copy of earnest money deposit check she was overconfident about her chances, and wanted to get it out there beforehand so she could claim to have a mandate for it.

Because she really, really wanted to win with affluent Republicans. I really think the elite insiders running the campaign down to the unpaid interns did not understand what was wrong with that idea.

After all, they all love Wall Street. Well that happened, alright. Donald Trump wiped the floor with this woman. And he did it by winning her states. In one night, she successfully undid what took her party decades to accomplish. She is now directly responsible for letting Solid Blue strongholds like Michigan and Wisconsin turn Red, and turn Red for a Reality-TV star fronting as a Republican. Not only has the Democratic Party lost the White House, but also the House and the Senate. Let that sink in.

So now Democrats have been shut of the Executive and Legislative Branches, AND the Supreme Court, and its all thanks to the hard efforts of Team Hillary Clinton. All in one night. There should be an award for this kind of political Seppeku. There should be an award for this kind of unbelievable political Seppeku.

And so it begins. Therefore I get to call you names. Sometimes a well-thrown F-bomb can work wonders. Instead of Sanders to head the DNC, how how to make money in cityville fast Alan Grayson?

In almost any area of life but politics, the dismal performance of Democrats over the last three election cycles would mandate a thorough housecleaning. Like a sports team that went from winning the championship to the basement in three seasons, the Ds need to clean house.

Everyone should go, bring in new blood, and try to rebuild. But this is politics, so I fear there will be a lot of soul searching, the result of which will be that the leadership did nothing wrong, except maybe be too liberal.

As a European I breath a huge sigh of relief that Clintoon did not get it in. Tax on forex trading profits really hope Trump follows through on his foreign policy pledges. The EU needs to build a partnership with Russia and get its own house in order. This is brilliant news for Europeans.

Senior European politicians and the markets are horrified, which should be good news for everyone. Europe has no choice now but to stand on its own feet, stop hiding behind Nato and the last remains of Imperialism last seen with the French and British joyfully bombing Libya and realise they have to come to a grown up accommodation with its eastern and southern neighbours. That means not depending on the US umbrella for military protection, recognising legitimate Russian interests, and seeking genuine peace in north Africa and the Middle East.

And economically, if Trump does as seem likely pursue fiscal expansion through infrastructure growth and tax cuts, while simultaneously cracking down on imports, then the EU might have little option but to throw off the German obsession with exports and start some proper domestic demand boosting.

Hopefully Europe will feel it has no choice but to take a lead. In my opinion there is only one thing that the EU is doing almost rigth although it should be pushing much harder: Perhaps, the driver is energy dependence rather than climate change fear but policies are in place and gaining ground.

Soft denialists presiding in countries like Spain Rajoy how to make easy money in diablo 2 lod no cd do what they can to delay measures imposed by the EU. In this sense, the EU is leading the way while national leaders are the laggards.

Besides, it is very hypocritical that the EU tries to push simultaneously for climate change figthing measures and austerity. Gives a lot of leeway to keep on killing as usual. On thursday obama most likely will lay down the land for him regarding the imperative of generate chaos everywhere. When i checked this morning Lockheed Martin stock price hardly moved. EU — refugee management is privatized and Soros has invested MUSD in the refugee business so we shouldnt expect the end of war very soon.

It would be beautiful would he actually disengage from the wars, have NATO remove the k soldiers in Europe. In the choice between dysentery and cholera, the razorthin chance of Trump actually would do something different than Lady Macbeth, was the dominating the stock market crash of 1929 summary that forex turgoviq him better than the Clinton-promise of perpetual war.

Drain the swamp and lock her up had no place in his stan moneymaker needs 15 gallons of gasoline to top off speech since that would amount to tastelessly kicking them while they are down.

I live in Crimea. So these comments are colored by that history. Russians rarely smile in public. Riding public transport is akin to attending a funeral.

This morning, for the first time, people are smiling. TV commentators, not known for their happy demeanor, are almost giddy. And the politicians have big smiles. There is hope in the air. On the flip side, there are rumors that Poroshenko, the Ukrainian president, is drinking heavily. He just lost his biggest champion and will probably kiss Nuland goodbye in the near future. Global forex glen waverley Ukrainian position just went into the proverbial shitter.

As they are already a failing state I see little to be optimistic about in their future. NATO membership is probably off the table as is bollinger bands divergence system EU.

Truly sad how Nuland and others used them for their nefarious game with Russia. Trump is no savior by any stretch. At best, he tears the Washington consensus apart and runs the neocons out of town. Maybe he discovers MMT and destroys all this balanced budget crap. And maybe he provides space for a true resurgence of the left. You make an interesting point about hope. I would say that even though hope might not be expressed so openly in the US I believe that Trump is the one who you can have some hope in Clinton was going to be exactly like what we have experienced for the previous three presidential cycles, a sock puppet only slightly off center and controlled by the oligarchs.

We know precisely what she would do as President. With Trump, everyone is guessing but at least for the moment we can all hope that he will rise to the occasion. There are many political shows on Russian TV.

Nothing as cordial as Face the Nation. They invite politicians from all the competing parties and let them argue about issues of the day. Over the last several months all the programs have been focused on Syria myspace on the stock market the US election.

Everyone was concerned about Clinton and what she would do. Not his style at all. It would have led to a big confrontation.

Did you know that they were conducting civil defence drills in Moscow and elsewhere?

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People were genuinely frightened that a war would start. My wife among them. We had even started talking about how to get out of here. As for the sanctions, they target the little people as always. Banks that have branches in Crimea have lost all access to money transfer services.

Not the best way to get money. I really appreciate these types of comments, hope to see more in the future. Yep, sanctions canadian dollar rate in saudi arabia hurt the little people….

Your account of how sad and frightened ordinary Russians have been actually made me cry. Thank you for sharing this. Thank you for this post. I did fear Hillary using ever more draconian financial sanctions against Russia, probably also bearing down on Iran and any other non-kowtowing countries.

The US seems able to gin up rationals for just about any actions it wants to take against other nations. Thanks for the feedback. Is there any reporting on the expected move by Nato to put troops in Ukraine in January?

That was not the rumor as Animal crossing new leaf 3ds money cheats heard it. It was a project to be able to call activate and deploy as many asEuropean troops within a three month time frame should exigencies arise.

Something they are not nearly able to do at present. Not as I heard it. Posturing by Stoltenberg and Brits. Scaring everyone sick as usual. Good on you Yves. No, I doubt we persuaded anyone. And there were very many in the commentariat who agreed Clinton was terrible but still could not pull the lever for Trump. When people who are known for integrity in their community put out an opinion, supported with detailed facts, it can persuade — much more effectively per unit of energy than mass media.

Just adding a link for a speech from Chomsky where he also makes the point that canvasing, face-to-face work is far more important than mass media. I wanted Trump to win but I had to vote in Stein. Wouldnt have been able to live with myself if I had voted xkcd stock market engineers either duopoly candidate.

Lesserevilism only works when it works make money high alching runescape all when it is a metaphor. Today I am at peace with myself. I happily pulled the lever for Trump. However, on a happier note we had a banner year for ballot initiatives — Yes to pot, no to charters, no to slot parlors and yes to more humane treatment of animals.

Drama in the redleg house. Even my spouse is hippy punching because I vociferously denounced Clinton for Stein. I hope the kids listen to me more than their mother on this issue, or its going to be a tough holiday season with the red-state relatives. Of course, more people voted FOR Clinton, than Trump. Over the last haystak make money months I have spent quite a bit of time driving through NE Ohio, NW PA and far west NY.

I ventured from the edge of suburbia to Amish country in the south and wine country towards Canada. It was an extremely rare occurrence to see ONE Clinton sign on a trip. You could drive for miles and not see one. Or see the one lonely bastion on the side of a busy freeway, obviously a targeted placement. Only to see three or four bigger obvious placement Trump signs immediately before and after. You know, no one around me had signs up. I was convinced it would be a narrow win for Hilary, she had too many inbaked advantages.

I have to admit my first reaction on hearing the news was a deep belly laugh. Yes, well, metaphors can only take us so far. Realistically, Trump will give yet more tax cuts to the rich, probably screw up the world economy and is a disaster for the climate. Basically, when Sanders fell short it was obvious the world was in for a very grim years at least.

Trump, Christie, Giuliani and Ailes are. Why would that happen four years from now? People are really like this. Ah yes the vaunted ACA…. But the Russians have been making very aggressive moves along the borders in Europe, both as a direct response to Nato moves, and also clearly intending to rattle the Poles and Germans. How can effective opposition to government programs form in an environment with total communications surveillance?

You operate in the cracks. Admittedly, it takes a bit of knowledge and imagination. I recommend that the general population starts exploring these spheres…. Such was the case last night, and like you, I ignored the media.

I only just now heard the news from my partner, and my first response was the same as yours. The people already lost this election 6 months ago, when the corrupt Democrats rigged their nomination process against the most popular politician in America.

But I sure am glad that the Clintons and their worthless, soulless syncophants lost. On that note, I chose to glance at DailyKos for the first time in 9 months, and got a hearty laugh. Trump won without MI. Plus three times as many Johnson votes as Stein. But unlike Greens, Libertarians own their votes. Unfortunately for those trying to make that disingenuous argument, Trump clearly reached the required electoral votes before Michigan was factored into the equation.

But then, the party apologists never trouble themselves with facts. I also took a peek at Daily Kos today for the first time in months. How to properly operate on binary options magnets Kos et al did to Sanders and his supporters on that site was disgusting and unconscionable. I victoria gardens anzac day opening hours to admit, seeing them now with their hair on fire is sweet, sweet schadenfreude.

I have mixed feelings. Especially the main stream media. That in itself is kind of scary, because you got to think what is their reaction going to be? They know their control hampton research stock options salt slipping.

It is the 79th anniversary of Kristallnacht and the 83rd anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch. The philosophy of that political movement was inspired by US and British industry, colonial practice and ideology. That government gave Charles Lindbergh and How to get more money on airport city ipad Ford medals for their contributions.

I had to laugh at the Guardian this morning running Thomas Franks excellent analysis of what went wrong, and then adding a paragraph at the bottom asking for contributions to continue its journalism. Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President. I just watched his victory speech and the tone and humility — and yes, even graciousness — of his remarks were spot on.

I have a gut feeling that Donald Trump could surprise us yet and in a good-ish way. Give Trump a chance? Did you people learn nothing from Obama? These people only what does dividend mean in the stock market constant pressure.

Not to have a continuance of the false Democratic regime is a huge relief. A cancer has been on the presidency. Whether that has been replaced by a national binge fest is something we will have to wait to see, and the knives will be out very early on, just as they have been in Great Britain. To me, Trump has the vulnerabilities of a Yeltsin figure.

But it is worth fighting for. He really is a RINO a life-long Democrat, by most accounts, until he decided to run for president. IMO, this will prevent him from reaching out to work with the Democrats. The Democrats in turn will do their best to wreck his presidency. This will drive him into the arms of the legacy Republican party. I expect him to govern as a traditional Republican, with a few bones tossed to his base. This is a shame, because there could have been an alliance, at least on some issues, between the Bernie base and the Trump base.

But you have to have congresscritters to have an alliance. This morning I feel dread and it would good if that expectation were degrees wrong, too. The American Left need a new party either way. To reform an institution requires pressure in the right direction from inside and outside. Otherwise the Democrats can keep telling themselves that the Left has no alternative and after four years of Trump, they might be right. Reforming the Dem party would require the current leadership giving up all that squillionaire campaign loot and those cushy private sector lobbying jobs.

If only someone could come up with an alternative campaign fundraising model. Thanks Yves, it is mighty important to consider that how do you trade forex after a busy and tiresome day Democrat machinery is well worth retaining, it has a vast effective infrastructure but a horribly corrupted root and branch system.

Perhaps it could be systematically reformed to the extent of being electable again, but the contacts it has broken with its people will need to be honored in that reformation. I did think the same. But it will be interesting to see where the two systems end up in a few years.

Is it possible the left will have a clearer path to an actual return to governing how to properly operate on binary options magnets the states?

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But it will be interesting. I think the UK shares with the US the poison of the single non-transferable vote system. But as you say, there is incredible momentum behind older organisational structures. Progress can only be made when key people are put into positions of administrative control. Incidentally, I was reading Thomas Franks excellent article in the Guardian this morning and noted the total tone deafness of the Guardian asking for readers contribution for its journalism underneath.

Its coverage of Sanders was a disgrace. But not to quite the same degree as the U. My thinking is perhaps too coloured by the Liberal Democrats, here in the UK, which despite no Proportional Representation, did manage to get into coalition government. And then promptly betrayed everyone and everything they ever purported to stand for in their Grand Bargaining with the Conservatives. It all led me to cashcrate pending earnings hack it was the parties that are the problems, not the electoral systems per se.

Yes, I iremit forex sgd that, although I would argue that the electoral system does fundamentally change electoral discourse. Japan of course is additional binary option calculator selection with a system a present from the US Occupation that gives disproportionate power to rural constituencies, which along with other aspects of Japanese society results in a deeply conservative inbuilt majority.

I would argue that the Irish system results in more economically left wing governments than would be the case if Ireland had first past the post leaving to one side social issues, where Ireland has been deeply conservative. Up until about 15 years ago the electoral majority in Ireland were rural dwellers, and as a land owning society there is a huge built in conservative majority. Despite its inbuilt conservativism, the electoral system has resulted in I would argue more genuine left and green voices in Parliament than there are in the UK.

This has been a strong force preventing either FG or FF from opting for populist right wing policies in economics, foreign policy, or immigration. Both have to pay lip service to welfare, health and so on. Its not perfect, but I think if Ireland had first past the post and in times past, FF tried very hard to impose that systemit would have had a much more conservative series of governments again, in terms of economics and foreign policy, not social policy.

Ireland, for example, has never had governments as overtly economically right wing as the UK, Canada bet on the day of binary options Australia have had recently, and these are countries with far bigger urban votes, and urban working class voters. But neoliberalism ended when it came to a stop in a big log jam of political paralysis.

If he does his usual stuff he will get things moving again. That sounds too simple to be important but I think it is enormous. We know that Obama and Hillary were working toward private public partnerships to get the ball rolling again and that they talked like they were environmentalists.

Trump will do similarly but with tax cuts. The thought of Currency heat map forex made me nervous because it was just more elitist power concentration, group think log jam.

He is avoiding the whole subject of GW but if the world cleans up the air and the water it will be a giant step forward. Trump can facilitate this in his infrastructure program — build it yes, but build it clean and leave it cleaner than you found it. It neoliberalism is, I believe, dead. I figured myself it had died with the Brexit vote, that was when I knew it needed the last rites reading.

Like you, I keep hoping. Beware of dead things. They have a bad habit, like zombies, of being reanimated at the worst possible moments.

Voters Repudiate Clinton | naked capitalism

Britain is looking for big trade deals, and Trump likes Britain and respects Brexit. Maybe the UK just leapt to the front of the queue, and the biggest Trade Deal of all is possible without ISDS.

I agree on the need for organizational infrastructure, but I think Sanders demonstrated that something remarkably effective can be built quite quickly essentially outside the existing system. He got amazingly close, given the powers arrayed against him.

Sanders got a lot of opprobrium for his support for Clinton, but maybe, just maybe, he has played this very cleverly. He is in an excellent position now to lead an internal revolution within the Dems. He has both mass popular support, and an increasingly strong position along with Warren inside the party. Lets hope he realises that he now has a position of great strength to ensure that there is a real internal revolution.

A Sanders-based purging of the Democratic party would legitimately send a signal to disaffected working and middle class voters that they have an alternative to Trump Republicanism as the inevitable disappointments pile up. What worries me is Sanders, or rather what he symbolizes. Gabbard, others are well meaning, but lack his political skills. Warren is another neo-liberal who believes in the market, she just wants it a transparent market.

Where is the lessons trading binary options free trial leadership going to come from?

The Dems have so successfully purged themselves of iphone 5 best buy canada unlocked progressives there is nobody left to lead the revolution. Its very sad that you can — quite literally — list on the fingers of one hand senior Dems that you could trust to do the right thing.

So the odds are against him. But he has his list and his grassroots supporters. Lets hope he continues like this. I think Trump just demonstrated you can get quite far with very little existing party support, even against an arguably stronger central party organisation although the Tea Party weakened that a bit.

I was a Sanders volunteer, and I saw the incompetence of the campaign management up close. On Sunday, February 28, I proudly mailed my primary ballot. My next stop was a Sanders phone banking party. So, I hopped back on my bike and pedaled over there. When I got to the HQ, the front door was unlocked, but not a soul was inside the building. No sign of a phone banking party that was about to happen.

Matter of fact, the place barely had a stick of furniture. Mind you, the Sanders HQ was just a few steps away from the University of Arizona campus. You do NOT leave doors unlocked and offices unattended. It was at that moment that I learned just how competent the much-vaunted Bernie campaign management really was.

I think your post reinforces my point. Even with as much disorganisation as you cite, Sanders, in forex converter delhi little time and using almost exclusively small donors, built real support that got him within striking distance of Clinton who felt massively threatened by his popularity.

I am flattered I was quoted in this piece. I cherish Naked Capitalism. I have learned so much from this site, and it helped keep me sane during this long, hideous campaign. Thank you Yves, Lambert, and every single commenter for enriching my intellectual life every day. And double to Yves and Lambert, and Jerri-Lynn, too. The level of articles and discussion around here was head and shoulders above the pack. When the going gets murky, the clear eyed need to keep talking.

Keep the Obamamometer analysis coming. I think we all add, and we all add by trying to remain sane in the midst of what are, on the rules listed companies egyptian stock market of them, crazy times.

We add by taking each other seriously, even when we disagree, which is why the commentariat here is so remarkable. Great piece, great insights. From here in London, it feels exactly like Brexit morning, 24 June The left behind have given a giant f— you to the system, and in doing so have given power to some people without a plan, and who seem highly unlikely to deliver results for them.

Nothing changed today except we beretta cx4 storm parts for sale from a slow boil for most people into the deep fat frier, imo. Or do people in a democracy start to demand democratic remedies — in the body politic, the economic and the cultural spheres?

I want real people fighting for my corner from city hall to the chambers of national power. Surely it will work out differently! Team Size of daily forex market analysis - forexyard will never change. A link to this will be my one consistant comment and response in my social media day.

With the tag line: Woke up this morning in France at 8AM and read the news. Well, at least the DNC is toast. It was about the majority wanting to hold on to their privileges. This was an election about a bunch of people wanting to hold on to the things they have inherited from their forefathers. Clinton fails to energize African-Americans, Latinos and the young. Yes, Clinton was a terrible and corrupt candidate. But that and racism are not mutually exclusive explanations of this election result, no?

People have all kinds of reasons for voting the way they do. Are folks to be threatened with house rules for positing that racism plays a role? Yes, I fully meant this to be a threat. Lambert and I have seen the deterioration in the caliber of comments as a result, so cracking the whip is in order. Having someone run a variant of the talking points that lost the Dems the election is noise. He is probably here on a H1-B and realizes that with Trump victorious he might have to pack up and leave after his 6 years is up.

I have expressed my views in a fashion similar to so many on nc but admittedly contrary to yours. The response above mine is also a dynamically populate select option one to make no? Your point is just pure bullshit. What portions of the economy would those be? The rest of us are still seeing stagnant or even falling wages and rising costs in critical areas.

How many times have we heard the expression, if you want change then you need to vote. People do british olympic athletes get paid for medals all races, religions and every other belief joined to make a CHANGE.

A knee jerk reaction that it was racially, or religion based is precisely the attitude that Democrat Party politics attempts to exploit, and now one of its proponents use the same stereotypical attitudes to disparage those who exercised their right to vote for who they choose, and MAKE A CHANGE.

If any non-white group can be recognized as a group, demand respect and vote accordingly, what principle would deny whites from also doing so, whether they are rich or poor. We are Americans and we are all EQUAL. Rajesh, what part of equal do you not understand? Yes, now is not the time to start promoting the use of harmful racial stereotypes.

This comment seems to acknowledge that Rajesh is correct but that focusing on what folks have in common is strategically more beneficial.

Just as there was a reason why every white supremacist org out there lined up behind Trump. That is making money off inscription mop the same as saying the Trump campaign itself was essentially white supremacist, but it is an objective fact and not mere interpretation. Check out the stats, its very real.

Its not open to interpretation. The problem of late is that white race privilege has grown less effective in bringing home the bacon. Hence pfe stock after hours of the animus behind Trump has been the demand to restore that race privilege.

Yet it is precisely the social e-mini index futures trading of that privilege that have been the most convenient foil enabling the liberal Democrats to throw these same people under the bus. It was invented here. BTW, I was born and raised in a steel mill town on the east side of Baltimore Co. All Black and White steelworkers. I worked half my adult working life in factory jobs.

So I know all about where such people are coming from. For the record I voted for Jill Stein, though I think the Greens are a recruiting kindergarten for the Democrats. Rakesh is absolutely right on this. As in keep the land they stole for its original inhabitants. Standing Rock is a fact. A fact to be condemned here in no uncertain terms. Sure, there are some people who how to trade otc fx options the route to preservation of their inheritance as the dawn of a new White Era.

There are other people who are voting for economic nationalism for the same reason. Instead you encourage either indignant repudiation and passivity. I was disappointed to see it remain in the comment string. These kind of comments will now get more of a pass, because that is the new national mood, as legitimized by our new president. So, I disagree with what Active Listener said, that now is not the time to promote the use of harmful stereotypes. I say, when in Rome. I really think we need to be able on this site to talk about the reality of demographic changes and their consequences without someone playing the identity politics card to cut off discussion.

I lived in Carolina for 8 years but not long enough to become as diplomatic as you ChiGal. To my mind Brad is just full of shit. Trump won white voters who had voted for Obama — not all of them, obviously, but enough to suggest that people were swinging not on the basis of racism that made a real difference in the outcome.

But that is not why people voted the way they did. Trump did better with Latinos and black voters than Romney had. Not by much, but even those tiny incremental pieces helped him. Clinton is a racist, too, remember? There were lots of black and Latino communities who recognize Clinton as the murderous, exploitative racist she is. Once voters got to meet him, they were prepared to vote for the socialist Jew, even in the deep South.

I would add that he did better among Latinxs even AFTER saying in no uncertain terms that Mexican immigrants are mostly criminals. He loudly an publicly insulted them, and yet still did better than his Republican predecessor. True, although I think had the Democratic Party run someone not complicit in coups, assassinations and deportations — even if they had not offered good policy — fewer would have gone to Trump, and more would have come out and voted.

As with many things in this race, Clinton was at least as bad as Trump in this regard. So voters had to chose along different lines. That would almost necessarily advantage Trump, at least a bit. I fully support your right to make your point Rajesh, particularly as you did it in a respectful and non-confrontational manner.

God forbid NC turns into the kind of strident outfit that is afraid to have its received wisdom challenged. He was clearly demonizing Trump voters as racists. And aab pointed out how minority groups voted for Trump at higher levels than they did for Romney. Sanders, who stumped all over the US, tweeted that he believe that, contra Rajesh, that most Trump voters are neither racist nor sexist. I agree that most of of those who voted for trump are not particularly racist or sexist.

So Yves asks that our posts cite facts instead of spouting nonsense and Auma responds to Yves comment that most Trump supporters are neither racist nor sexist with the unsupported statement, oh well enough of them are…. Ha, to be completely fair, both of my statements were unsupported.

But only the second one matters to you, so speaking to that concern: So now where are we? We get back to debating the relative demerits of someone saying openly racist things and someone dogwhistling racist things and passing racist policies. America is a racist country. It is not even a little surprising that the two conservative, hyper-wealthy candidates are personally racist and have racist supporters.

We need class-based discourse and class-based policy to get past that. Tossing crumbs to one set of victims or another, while insulting the victims not being fed crumbs is how racism continues to enrich the ruling class and impoverish economically and morally the rest of us.

BTW the Bernie folks have returned to that site with a vengeance. Quite a shit storm over there. The discussion here is much more sane and informative. Go read the latest article by Bill Black please. It pains me to have to say that fear of Islam is well-grounded and hardly a paranoid fantasy. In the US, speech, press and religious freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution are under assault. I have in mind the failed HR, which specifically assaults both freedom of religion by singling out a single religion, and freedom of speech, by a contorted definition of hate speech.

Nor is it reassuring that governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are simultaneously funding both ISIS and the private foundation of a certain former Secretary of State, as Julian Assange pointed out in his recent interview with with John Pilger. I do hope that political backlash over this issue, once addressed, will be well-considered, and not extreme as typical of political reactions.

I was surprised this William Engdahl article got no traction i. The campaigns were reading alt media websites. There is a high probability the z site was taken over by Mercer giving the Trump campaign a better read on the electorate. Whereas the Clinton campaign was being wagged by what Google and others was providing to them. Google approach more likely to strip out context?

The Republicans of course were stung 4 years ago when they were convinced Mittens was going to win. A plurality of voters repudiate the system might fit a wider case of voters actual motivation. Affixing the casus belli on Clinton alone is giving rise to too narrow a case. However, the showings of Gary and Jill indicate they are not quite ready to defenestrate the two party single oligarchy dictatorship. What ever happens, it will be a surprise. That State Apparatus and the Internet have convinced many that privacy outside their own minds does not exist.

No one trusts pollsters to not have a virus on their network, or just to be dishonest; and thus many will not speak their minds on an issue which can have such severe impact on their work and social life. The downside of honest is just too great. Is the USA going to be the Next Syria, ie: How would most answer this question: Clinton lost it went she made Kaine VP instead of Warren. Warren was the only person who could effectively counter Trump. Yeah, the rust belt would have gone gangbusters for that.

She sullied her reputation with progressives with how she handled the primary, too. Nominating Hillary Clinton was destined to fail, unless she could rig enough. We now know she could not. I agree that Kaine reinforced everything bad about Clinton and her strategy. Clinton was the reason. Clinton was the candidate.

She would never have allowed a progressive on the ticket, anyway. That was never happening. For the relatively small margins, a good choice could have made a difference if Hillary did nothing else.

There are countless should ofs and would ofs, but the Supreme Court argument could have made a difference. Kaine destroyed that, and it demonstrated a fundamental contempt for the base of Democratic majorities for 60 years in the last century. I believe it was here where I said that selecting HRC over Sanders handed the presidency to Trump. I do wonder whether DNC will get any relevant lessons from that, although I doubt it. On the Acela corridor — it was funny seeing Krugman to flap around as his chances of Treasury Secretary were disappearing.

And you were right of course. Back in the Spring before I gave up on the Guardian for its disgraceful reporting of Sanders many, many people btl under every damned article boosting HRC were pointing out that every poll indicated that Sanders was a far better candidate for the Dems and that Trump was ideally positioned to exploit Clintons many weaknesses. But what did we know? Some of these Hillary supporting political experts are now out of a job, but they would have lost their jobs earlier if Sanders had been the candidate.

This is admittedly anecdotal, but I have a journalist friend who is very plugged into elite opinion. He simply dismissed Sanders as being unelectable. And these were people who also would take polls seriously, ignoring the fact that Sanders polled better than Clinton. If they really believe it, it will make them weaker and easier opponents to defeat.

I recall many here over time making the observation that the DNC would rather lose with Clinton than win with Sanders. Well, they earned their loss i mean they really earned it. They, not the DNC, would rather have lost with Clinton than won with Sanders. Trump shares much of their agenda, lowering corporate and elite taxes thus reducing the safety net and privatizing whatever of it is left. I was for Trump because I was more against Clinton.

The US cannot call itself a democracy if the wife of a former president becomes president. Nor can it call itself a democracy when the son of a former President becomes president. Or, for that matter, when there is another son running for the nomination. I am not happy Trump won but maybe I would be as unhappy had Clinton won.

What a terrible, terrible state of affairs. I travel all through Africa and the Middle East meeting executives from international private companies and national companies.

You know things are bad in America when Africans from places like Nigeria or Zimbabwe pat you on the shoulder and offer their condolences for the candidates we were offered!

Against monarchy in the US, not against it elsewhere … the US has been too much like a monarchy since What I really enjoyed also is that this hopefully has skippered all that bs about an Obama dynasty. Not that Michelle was likely to want to give up returning to collecting and shoveling out money for the Chicago machine, but Obama was an idiot to go out thumping for the black vote.

He should have done what Ike did to Nixon. The Century of the Self Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering — meets its enviable conclusion, sorta like some of those economic models have a propensity too do so spectacularly… eh. FYI the Oz mob is still rubbing their eyes in disbelief, even old guard labour sorts like Kim Beazley…. Yep, skippy the cognitive dissonance our media and politicians have been showing has been hilarious. This is what happens when the Democratic Party interferes with what its voters wanted.

If you use your might to advance the less popular candidate through dubious means what do you expect? I think if this played out the way it might have, with Sanders vs Trump, the outcome might have been different. Like Yves said about the gym guys, I can count many people I know personally with the same feelings — wanted Bernie, refused to vote for Hillary, therefore voted for Trump.

Bernie gave a speech to some of the Democratic Party bigwigs at the beginning of his campaign. Bernie Sanders would have beaten the hell out of Trump. He was beating him in the polls. I would have voted for Bernie but instead voted for Trump. I plan to never vote for another Democrat as long as I live, after the way they hosed Bernie. I think the Democratic Party should voluntarily cease to exist now, and maybe let the Greens fill in the space.

Not that I would expect the Access Hollywood tape to have come out in a Sanders vs. Trump race, but think how different that would have played. Not only was Sanders clearer on policy, but he did not have the history of offensive behaviour.

He was no pot yelling about the kettle. It was the Access Holywood tape that put Trump over the top—not its content, of course, but the constant pounding on it to demonize him the demonization was already starting to backfire because the Putin-baiting was making people scared. In those close races that marginal difference was likely decisive.

As bad a candidate as HRC is, I still believe Trump was worse at running for office simply because of all the times he self immolated. That being said, I still thought that it would result not in Trump winning, but Clinton losing because of the people she surrounded herself with.

And on top of that, sycophants. I spent maybe an hour or two with the Wikileaks e-mails from the State Department dumps, doing some keyword searches. Toadying puts a huge amount of noise in the signal. When I studied organizational behavior in grad school, read academic papers showing that the one fool proof method for career advancement is sucking up to your boss.

All my corporate experience supports that. I think Bernie would have beaten Trump, then faced the same resistance Trump will face. He and Warren may well be more effective in opposition. Yes, a Bernie win might also have made some of the left more complacent. The presidency is by no means the ball game, much less the series. I think the wikileaks were nontrivial.

Lifting the vale of a political apparatus and seeing that no, they really are just ignorant, incompetent and corrupt is not something somebody can easily dispatch from the formation of an opinion leading to a decision. At the end of the day trump won for two reasons: Hillary was contemptible, and the masses of people who are drowning economically reached for the lifeline offered by Trump. Trump was contemptible in his own way too, so the deciding factor goes to the economic lifeline.

He says what he thinks. We need a lot more of that in this screwed-up country. Yves, I also had the thought to load up on shorts yesterday around 3: It was a classic set up. Taleb probably made a small fortune. But just think, years later, we have Hillary, Huma, Anthony Weiner and, um, yes, even Bill.

My god, find a good enough composer and one could write almost the same opera all over again. Ah yes, Trump too. Not a very good translation from the German but at least functional. I thought about increasing my position in gold mining stocks since some predictors predicted gold would go up if Trump won. Gold went up quickly but lost most of its gain.

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Actually, what I really wanted to do, if I knew how to do it legally and safely, was to simply place a bet on Trump. I think you coulda got five to one odds. Mispriced bets are easy money. That was like The state-run betting site, no less: You can do it anywhere.

In online betting yesterday he was You could do that legally here in BC. Two friends of mine — very leftist, admirers of Bernie yet still thinking that HRC might just be very slightly the less awful choice — did just that.

They won a few hundred dollars. But no, not only did they have to run the only candidate that could have been beaten by Trump, the siphoned off almost all the money that should have gone to the house and senate races and pumped that into the doomed Clinton campaign too. Truly world class incompetence. The Democrat Party has been fully operating on pure Clintonism third way crap since Billy got his penis into the White House.

Happily, that mode of operation has been fully rejected now, though I daresay that the Party will not see it that way and, in usual Dem fashion, will DOUBLE DOWN on the Clintonism for a while.

Hopefullly they too will resign into obscurity. Hillary was not running on the same positions as Bill, even though she took credit for his record whenever possible. Her flogging identity politics to the max, particularly the woman card, was not at all how Bill campaigned either time. And I have to tell you, many people, women as well as men, despised her. Among other things, they were ripshit about her selling favors out of the State Department.

So I get where they were coming from. The way that the campaign expected the vote of people like me, because our genitalia matched, was deeply offensive. The co-opting of feminist icons to lecture me about how voting for someone totally opposed to my value system was the only feminist choice? Simply the icing on the cake. I was at a bar near my Alma mater, a public ivy, before a lightly attended football game, and I was in the bar with a friend and the bartender, a fellow alum and a recent graduate.

The Democratic congressional candidate was a professional woman, but at no point had this bartender received any kind of contact from that campaign despite having good voted in the primaries for Bernie. Her address and voter participation are public record, and this town is where Democrats need every vote to win. I know all about this. Not that I would vote for her, but one likes to be asked.

For a Sanders volunteer like myself I could not hang up on it any faster. After the voter disenfranchisement and electoral fraud they committed in the primary here I would never vote for that corrupt POS.

It was the daughter of my congresswoman, Lowey, who bribed the woman who removeddemocrats from the voter rolls. That was in the NYT. The Times recently had an article about a lovely, fully renovated to the gills brownstone in Midtown — selling for 5 million. Then I found out that the arch-clown Ira Magaziner was her chief aide in the debacle. This result has given the rest of the western world the evidence that the the ballot-box can shake up the system.

Lastly,the work has just started. The Power has to be continually reminded that you are still there. How you work this out will be followed by a lot of people around the world. Signed,A Foreigner who lives in a smugly complacent country in Oceania.

I raised this point with Jerri-Lynn and am not really satisfied with the answer. Does it have to specify specific crimes? But if he specifies what the pardon is for, he is implicitly admitting that he thinks she broke laws X, Y and Z.

PlutoniumKun — IIRC, Ford pardoned Nixon without reference to any particulars; a blanket amnesty, if you will. And, Nixon had not been formally charged at that point. He resigned to avoid the inevitable impeachment that was moving through Congress. Another question I would have is if Obama can spread a pardon wider than the named person. For example, he might grant HRC a pardon over handling classified data illegally, but would that extend to her staff?

It would be hugely embarrassing if Huma, for example, were to face a trial for a crime HRC is explicitly pardoned for. I think he has to pardon the whole lot of them by name, and I think he will. But what do I know?

But with a Republican prez, House, and Senate there will be investigations. Some of the criminality will come out. Prison time is not as important as sheer public humiliation. Of course, if he did pardon every single one of her staff and everyone on the email list, that would leave only one person left who used the server to discuss government business, and so could be liable to prosecution. Thanks for clarifying the amnesty option. This scenario suggests itself: O issues a blanket pardon and then has his action trashed by investigations.

One more peak neoliberal Dem with a destroyed reputation, that much less opposition to a post-debacle house cleaning. And having the Clinton Foundation hobbled or dismantled only makes his Foundation that much easier to get off the ground.

I am going have to bet against Jerri-Lynn on this one. He could pardon himself, as well. In fact, I think it would be so cool if he pardoned only himself, and left everybody else hanging.

You know what, despite all of this, HRC still has an outside chance which would depend on how fast the states can move. If they managed to do it before Dec date when I believe the official election is done, HRC could still get the presidency. Now imagine that… call of stolen election? The point of the bill is that the states would legally i. As I found out yesterday, the selection of the electors is entirely up to individual states legislations as set by the USC — no popular vote is required or mandated.

If anyone tried that, it would go to the courts immediately and I can guarantee it would be struck down. And even starting down this path would bring Trump supporters with guns out en masse. The militia talk by gun fans gunz as a protector of liberties has been way way overdone, but a stunt like this would mobilize them, and the police, which skew conservative, would not stand in their way in many, potentially most, jurisdictions.

It is a dangerous precedent. While Trump does not have an overwhelming victory nor has he won the popular vote, our system is what it is.

America got the president they wanted. That says it all. We certainly know just how bad Hillary would have been. There is a chance that Trump will at least shake things up a bit. My worry would be not Trump in power, but the weakness of the Dems in the two Houses.

He may well be tempted to go orthodox right wing if it means an easier life for himself. Trump and his team ran a really great campaign. He had a great female campaign manager. He hired great people. He is a very good speaker. It used to be said that if somebody can make it through the rigors of a presidential campaign and emerge victorious, he will make a good prez. I think there will be a huge battle in the next 2 months over who gets his ear.

Quite literally, the future of the world hangs on him choosing the right people. But he is a neophyte to government and foreign policy. There are lots of poisonous toads out there who will be doing their best to influence him in a very malign way.

I would seriously worry about Mike Pence, either becoming president, or being a hands-on, Cheney style VP. Trump is not good but Pence is from hell.

People are in absolutely no mood to be taken advantaged of …. That would, as Yves notes, be dangerously disorderly. Clinton richly deserved the middle finger. Clinton would be just as bad on climate change as Trump — but with more dissembling and confusion, thus slowing down much-needed opposition. I think the biggest risk Trump poses is his likelihood of picking a hard-money Federal Reserve chairman who will raise interest rates quickly.

I think this is why the market is tanking and it will likely cause us to fall back into recession. Yellen is Fed chair through January Presidents are invariably in favor of easy money while in office notwithstanding any previous campaign rhetoric to the contrary. Neither did Russ Feingold in Wisconsin. Presidential campaign experience, the full backing of her party… [emphasis mine]. There was always a large swath of traditional Democratic voters who were never, ever going to support her.

The left simply abandoned the Democrats, and rightly so. She had the full backing of the party, which is the elected officials, the party machinery, the state parties, etc.

Trump most decidedly did not. He made a hostile takeover and had lots of dissent from powerful barons in the party.

By contrast, Dem officials and big donors were on board from Obama on down. And all the polls showed very strong support for Clinton among registered Dems. The party is not the same thing as the voters. The Democratic party is not liberal, or progressive — they are a bunch of power hungry rats willing to throw working class people under the bus cue trade agreements to take but one of a hundred examples. I guess Comey will retain his job, but will he happily report to Christie?

Maybe John Bolton in the State Dept will start the wars that Trump otherwise would not have dreamed of. I think the scary part is not Trump, but the quality of people that he will attract and more importantly the lack of people willing to make the necessary career sacrifice for the good of the country, because who the boss is.

Whatever happens will be a direct result of the deluded notion that HRC was a viable candidate, not on the Republicans and the right wing who did their best to provide loser opposition. YY — I agree wholeheartedly. I was actually more afraid of what Clinton would do as a warmonger than what Trump may do based on his apparent incompetence vis-a-vis governing.

However, the President appoints people to over 1, executive positions in the cabinet agencies, as well as the heads of regulatory agencies. With right-wing nutters like Christie and Giuliani as his advisers, this is where the greatest damage may be wrought. I imagine we could make a long list of regulatory agencies that have already been captured by the industries they are supposed to regulate. Attorneys who prosecute federal cases around the country. I still have a sneaking suspicion that Trump leans more Dem, and not just on social issues.

Although he does have that authoritarian thing down pat. Aside from progressive taxing, he sounded like a full blown Democrat and burped out almost all the traditional talking points as such. The Pubs were cheering and clapping and I wondered if they heard a word he said. I distinctly remember he said he was for the right to choose, slammed the endless war, dissed Wall Street and was already talking TPP and Nafta as horrible for the US.

Once the debates rolled around he moved tea bagger full on right. Trump is unlikely to trust anyone in the Republican Party establishment. This election is mostly irrelevant. The global economy will grow until it can no longer support itself. Then it will collapse. The only thing that will save us is if the legitimacy of our aristocracy collapses first. And doing this would probably peel open the Republicans as well.

The interesting part of this whole train wreck, to me, is that a lot of very rich, very powerful people have spent the last year very publicly insulting the next President. These are the people that constantly have their hands out to receive corporate welfare.

No, not the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and Soros and the others? David and Nelson Rockefeller unfortunately Nelson is deceased wanted for the murders of the Kennedy brothers and Rev.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Get out of the Acela corridor you fools. Second the motion for Trump to follow through on his campaign promise to investigate the Clinton Foundation. Gonna be an entertaining ride….

However, investigating Huma Abedin and Weiner for espionage would not only be the logical thing to do, it would also just by coincidence implicate the Clinton foundation — thus achieving the same goal while not being vindictive.

Huma is a new development, not old emails, if you like. The people who would see it as vindictive are exactly the people who should be ignored. I hope Trump ignores them. Absolutely — Just sometimes it is better to go around a barrier than to brute-force ones way trough. I live in the middle of Wisconsin. Spent lots of time working In the community trying to preregister voters as a special registration deputy.

This means being at the library and other community locations. I was part of a nonpartisan citizens group that did this before the April primary and again this fall. Of course all these citizens are Dems leaning. Saw this in April mixed with young obvious Bernie supporters. Yesterday, I did same day registration at the polls in a fairly representative ward of my community, there were no Bernie supporters and it was the whole family.

Because of registering, I get to see their age and also ask if they have voted before. Steady stream all day of registering voters I knew were not coming in to vote for the Hill.

There was absolutely no effort to get people registered in any way shape or form by the Democratic Party. I was vocal about our need to work on this, but no interest. All the interest was on crying about the horror of voter ID law changes. And the Hill campaign pretty much ran the local office and from the moment their local hired person came in, she drove away the Bernie supporters with her strong Hill focus. Bernie had brought out a substantial young active non Dem base that disappeared.

We worked very hard for our local candidates, but always competing with the Hill for volunteers, etc, inspite of being told there would be cooperation. Our candidates were pulled down by Hill. Dem party is going to lose many of the Bernie backers. Bernie would have been a much better candidate. He won here and the Hill campaign had no idea of how to handle us or the voters. Get some marketing training. Find out what matters. Then they went on the college debt rant.

Head slap again, most of our population is blue collar. There is a giant disconnect and lack of understanding of the flyover Midwest. I never wanted to ever go back to the Clinton days. Wanna know why D. And besides, more voters means it costs more to reach them and turn them out; again, harder to pitch.

Being a voter file specialist, one gets to ask questions and get answers. The rest of what you describe is classic political carpetbag consulting; crush the locals to get the job done, leave as little as possible to the grassroots.

Because cohesive and effective local party organizations and grassroots movements are the most dangerous things to the national parties. I would like to revise my rant slightly, though I think people rightly recognized it as a rant rather than an attempt at real persuasion, with regard to something jrs noted, that mixed in among those D voters are some people I have in fact seen on the picket lines. I teach rhetoric, which is to say I try to get young people both to understand how language coheres into modes of argumentation and persuasion as well as how to construct language in such a way as to more effectively express themselves.

My initial impulse, though well justified by the events of the past 15 years i. For people want real hope not Hopey Changey TMbut in the absence of that will go with rage. Gotta give a little time for schadenfreude, though. The Clinton campaign was a failure. Or do you just want the sushi rearranged on your plate at a Dem Party fundraiser? The Democrats and liberals have to be shown that real effort is going to be required.

Some people and their opinions are going to have to be retired. Trotting out re-treads like the Clintons and Rahm and Evan Bayh is not acceptable. Tom Frank is a very civil way of dislodging their mental blocks. I understand the frustration—I really do.

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