How to freeze selected cells in excel 2003

Posted: Gipperion Date of post: 02.07.2017

Freeze or Lock Rows and Columns. I know that the OP is Asking about Excel , but when I searched for this is one of the first search results from Google, so I am going to post an answer for Excel and hope it Helps someone out when they are looking looking for help on this issue as well.

how to freeze selected cells in excel 2003

I found it Very Difficult to figure out how to do this for the Top row and for a couple of Columns. I did figure it out however,.

How to Freeze a Row in Microsoft Excel |

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MS Excel Freeze first row and first column

Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Super User is a question and answer site for computer enthusiasts and power users.

Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Leon 23 1 3. To freeze the top row only to keep your column headings visible , select A2 and freeze panes. Selecting B2 instead will lock both Row 1 and Column A.

If it doesn't make sense yet, it will as soon as you try it: Additional Help Freeze or Lock Rows and Columns I know that the OP is Asking about Excel , but when I searched for this is one of the first search results from Google, so I am going to post an answer for Excel and hope it Helps someone out when they are looking looking for help on this issue as well I found it Very Difficult to figure out how to do this for the Top row and for a couple of Columns.

I am using Excel Malachi 1 9 Freeze Panes is a better answer than Split Window for the original question. With Split, each section can scroll. With Freeze, the trick is to select the first cell you want to scroll.

Excel - how do I dock\fixate a row\column? - Super User

All cells above and to the left will lock when Freeze Panes is activated. Dec 15 '15 at 2: Sign up or log in StackExchange.

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how to freeze selected cells in excel 2003

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