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Posted: lilya Date of post: 27.06.2017

TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff tvtropes. Random Tropes Random Media. Toggle Random Buttons Random Tropes Random Media. Display Options Show Spoilers Night Vision Sticky Header Wide Load. Community Showcase Explore More.

Edit Page Related Discussion History Close More To Do Page Source. You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account. In one commercial for Jameson's Irish Whiskey, John Jameson leaps overboard when one of his barrels of whiskey is lost in a storm to retrieve it, and while he's down there narrator says "In hindsight, that probably wasn't a good idea" when he sees a giant octopus start reaching towards him.

In another, as a fire ravages Dublin, he grabs an ax when the fire reaches his distillery. The narration says "John Jameson devised a brilliant plan. But there was simply no time, so, he devised another, less-brilliant plan. The scientists of the Open Sado Project in 7 Seeds. One of them discovered a new type of Lizard Ant, who seem partial to the energy bars that the scientists eat themselves. One of their later hologram-recordings mentions that the ants escaped their original glass nest and are roaming around freely, with some of the scientists hallucinating.

It's not exactly clear how many years passed between this event and when our protagonists finally encounter it, but by the time they do, the facility is a mess of huge holes, filled with these and other huge ants and even larger earthworms and they all suffer from hallucinations which makes them disorented. And this is all cause the scientists were doing their job, trying to continue regular life of scientists in a facility meant to replicate the world for the protagonists whenever they awaken after The End of the World as We Know It.

Also see Gone Horribly Right The corrupt World Government in One Piece often makes decisions that are this trope. The biggest one to date it the Summit War.

They managed to capture the late pirate king Gol D.

Roger's son Portgas D. Ace and wanted to not only end Roger's bloodline but also use Ace as bait to draw in Whitebeard, the strongest pirate in the world at the time, so they could defeat Whitebeard and his crew. Unfortunately several outside factors made things go south very fast. While the World Government had no control over the outside factors that turned what should have been a great victory into a Pyrrhic Victory it should have been obvious to the World Government that things wouldn't go down so simply to say nothing of the fact that they really didn't consider the ramifications in the long term.

Ace's brother Luffy tried to rescue him at the super prison Impel Down and when that didn't work, Luffy made a huge jail break that ended up releasing some of the most dangerous prisoners in the world. The Government's reaction to that was to cover it up so they wouldn't lose the people's faith despite the fact that if such prisoner's start something which they will the escape will be exposed anyway and the government will lose face for both the escape and lying to the people.

Taking down Whitebeard created a power vacuum and disrupted the delicate balance of power among the strongest and most influential groups in the world.

This should have been obvious with some forethought and the worst part is that after the war, so much of the government's forces were stretched thin that the government could barely keep a lid on the ensuing chaos. While they did succeed in beating Whitebeard, with his final breath, he confirmed that the world famous treasure that belong to Roger and everyone was looking for did in fact exist. The fleet admiral Sengoku reacted with a look of both fear and rage when Whitebeard did this as he knew that with the word out more pirates would now venture out to find One Piece and a newer, bigger, and more chaotic age of piracy would begin.

With his final breath, Whitebeard basically invalidated every aim the world government had by starting this war making all of the Marine's spent resources and sacrifices a complete waste. The biggest blunder of all was the arrogant view of the World Government that Whitebeard was just another pirate, albeit a very powerful one.

Whitebeard was far more than that to many people and it was the respect he commanded from others that caused Red Haired Shanks to make sure that Whitebeard and Ace would get the burials they deserved. The World Government couldn't even put the heads of both Whitebeard and Ace on display as a warning to other pirates like they wanted to. What if anything did the World government get out of all of this?

They admitted they only wanted Ace dead because of his parentagenot because he was particularly threatening in and of himself. Whitebeard was on life support and would have died anyway in a few more years.

Confucius say, "Do not use a cannon to kill a mosquito" - the WG basically set off an extinction level event to kill two particularly annoying bears. This explanation gets used a lot in Nodwick.

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Especially by Yeagarwho has the wisdom of a lemming. Said word for word by Story! Loki in issue 16 of Loki: Agent of Asgard when their best and only friend began to question why they turned her soul into a piece of magical jewellery. Come to think of it if you apply this reasoning to most of young Loki's plans they begin to make a strange amount of sense In White SandKenton spends a long time arguing to be allowed to take the Mastrell's Path exam, but when he enters the arena, his first thought is "remind me again, why did I think this was a good idea?

From Attack Of The Teacher Creature: I'll pass, thank you. I'm not interested in that stuff. I didn't sell my soul to the devil. Yes, but you nearly did once. American Outlaws Jesse James: A war against the railroad The good doctor approached me with a piece of broken mirror and said Lecter is holding a shard of broken glass].

Verger peels his face off. Seemed like a good idea at the time, doesn't cost me anything. What I don't understand is why a man like you took the job in the first place, hmm? - You'd be crazy not to come too!

It's like a fellow I once knew in El Paso. One day, he just took all his clothes off and jumped in a mess of cactus. I asked white eagle finanzas forex that same question, "Why?

By the way, why did you kiss me? I was about to be hanged.

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It seemed like a good idea at the time. But you could've left! Why'd you stay up here all these years? Seemed like a good idea at the time. Know what I mean, kid? It seemed like a good idea at the time, now I binomial option pricing model calculator I made a mistake.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Everything Zaphod Beeblebrox ever does, except when caught up in a plan related to finding out who really rules the universe in later volumes. Of course, this seems to have been the main reason Zaphod pulled said plan on himself moneymaker poker altering his own memories; even he questions his own judgment on this one.

In the novel Knight Life by Peter David, Merlin says any question can be answered by one of three statements: Some of them even have some human brain tissue, which makes them viciously intelligent. Of course, it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Similarly to the Oryx and Crake example, in the Revelation Space universe an intelligent species of "hyperpigs" exists due to genetic manipulations conducted to provide transplant materials. While things are rocky for a long while, a hyperpig ends up being vital to saving all humans and hyperpigs from the Inhibitors. Any of Chris's antics during his college career in The Pale King. In the Discworld series, Nanny Forex rollover swap primary method of functioning is explicitly described as, "Nanny's philosophy of make money online ewen chia was to do what seemed like a good idea at the time, and to do it as hard as possible.

It had never let her down. Harry Dresden cites this word for word when he admits that he may have kinda thrown himself out of a moving car. He had a plan. They're even referred to with the acronym " SLAGIATT " - "Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time! In Warrior CatsStarClan thought it was a good idea to hide the secret about their parents from Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather.

Several episodes where officers — both Malloy and Reed, and then other officers as well — are central bank of kenya forex rates making serious mistakes that seem to work out well initially but later on have not-so-good outcomes or might not have made good outcomes, and an authority figure pointing said mistakes out.

One of the most notable examples: Sometimes illustrated through the character of Officer Ed Wells, the cocky officer who often acts before he thinks. His attitudes are spelled out perfectly in "A Dead Cop Can't Help Anyone," where the first call we see james16 forex factory thread work muttley crew stock trading Wells and his partner barging in on a domestic dispute and narrowly avoiding getting shot — turns out well enough, but a second call a psychotic gunman randomly firing at passersby in a residential neighborhood ends with him getting shot as he was running toward the house to try to subdue the gunman.

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time - TV Tropes

Wells is OK, and he'll be back in the future. Young Indiana Jones foreign currency etf basket "Demons of Deception" "Verdun" and "Paris" Remy Baudouin: I can't believe you actually did that. You could have ended up in front of a firing squad!

But still, you lost your courier's job, and you put yourself back in the mud. Some men got to live another day. Lily van der Woodsen: Really, Rufus, what were you thinking? You threw her a surprise birthday party and had her face painted on a cake with a tiara? So did flannel and acid wash-jeans, but they weren't flattering either.

I still don't understand why you'd want to come here in the first place. I came to find new financial opportunities for the Ferengi people. In the alternate universe? In other words, you saw which way the wind was blowing and switched sides. Oh, it was quite simple. All I had to do was follow the baskets you chaps so thoughtfully pushed off the truck. You're not really marrying Lahey's ex-wife are ya? Look Julian, I was baked out of my mind, it seemed like a good idea at the time alright?

President, are we to understand that she just walked right into your office and started Teknik moving average forex already christian forex trading us.

For the whole month. On paper, this was a great idea! The song " A Good Idea At the Time " by Ok Go both expresses Sympathy for the Devil and is an explicit homage to The Rolling Stones song of the same, portraying Lucifer as simply a guy after a good time who keeps winding up causing horrific situations throughout history, usually because of this trope and the consumption of ludicrous amounts of booze. Make the money lyrics ryan lewis narrator of "Weird Al" Yankovic 's "The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota" quotes this trope verbatim while speculating why the titular twine ball was built.

The inclusion of 3D glasses earn money autopilot The Raveonettes album Lust Lust Lust must have seemed like a fun gimmick at the time, but unfortunately it rendered the album ineligible for the UK Albums Chart.

None of their albums since have charted in the UK at all. True to its tendency of turning sayings into titles, This American Life has done an episode that's flat out titled "Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time.

In The Addams FamilyGomez tells the giant squid in the cellar that this is why the United States has the Electoral College. Used as a throwaway joke. In Portal 2 you're given the opportunity to remove Big Bad GLaDOS' control over the facility and replace her with Wheatley, a cheery, kindhearted robot that's done nothing but help you. Seems like a great idea, money for blood plasma chicago Well, keep in mind that you should have noticed by this point that the "cheery, kindhearted robot that's done nothing but help you" is in fact an idiot.

But the immediate effect is that anyone who gets put in charge of the facility is driven insane good job turning your only friend into a homicidal maniac and said friend is stock market at inauguration a literal Idiot Ball ; fcau stock options the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived.

This statement could probably be the unofficial motto for Aperture Science in general. Which is exemplified by the Mantis DNA project, in which the second batch of test subjects gets used for a new test: A Real Life example for The Elder Scrolls V: Introducing paid mods into a passionate, decades-old community with no prior warning wasn't the most well-thought out plan.

Insisting it was for the best intentions didn't help. The feature was removed amid intense backlash mere days later.

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Another real life example. Back in Nintendo wanted to develop a CD peripheral for the SNES. They first partnered with Sony, but after discovering the deal gave Sony unprecedented control over the games on it, they bailed and partnered with Philips.

This made Sony none too happy at the betrayal. The SNES never got a CD add-on, Philips got temporary rights to misuse Nintendo IP, and Sony got busy preparing for the formal announcement of the Playstation. Nice Job Breaking It, Hero! In RuneScapeif you tease the bandit "Narf" about his name, he mocks yours your username in return, and your character replies that it seemed like a good idea when they were signing up!

In Dan and Mab's Furry Adventuresthe cubi race are mentioned to be the kings of this, due to their emotion reading talents making them very emotional. Fights with them are compared to fighting someone who's blind drunk. This is why Red gave his robot lasers.

El Goonish Shive Daniel Elliot Shive, the author, says this when asked about the comic's name. He also claims Elliot will likely feel this way about " her " decision in this comic. In NamesakeSelva explains her plan to prevent people from being brainwashed by poppies, mainly turning them into inanimate objects since your head can't be infected by poppies if you don't have a head in these terms. In The Order of the StickHaley says this about her tendency in older strips to both dungeon-delve with a bare midriff and get into Designated Girl Fights "while hurling offensively gender-charged insults".

When we first meet Haley's dad, he's rotting in a prison. He later admits that he's trying to overthrow the local Evil Empireand thought that being a Play-Along Prisoner would be a great way to find allies.

He hit a snag when it became apparent that breaking out would not be so easy. Okay, the important thing to remember is that it seemed like a really good idea at the time. In the Chakona Space 'verse, chakats are mentioned to be highly susceptible to this. Bluein episode 52 Have We Met? One of the many Churches: So, what did you do? Aw, man, it seemed like such a good idea at the time! Congested and obviously ill-looking It seemed like a good deal at the time. Milked for all its comedic worth in Family Guy.

Adam West rolls around in nuclear waste in order to gain superpowers — and gets lymphoma. The doctor who he explains this to is taking this all in, and concludes that Adam West is an idiot — much as someone would do were this same feat attempted in Real Life. The irony is that earlier in the story, the Griffins had gained superpowers in a manner quite similar, and Adam West's rolling around in the waste was part of a desperate plot to put a stop to their evil dominion over the town.

Of course, he still succeeds — the Griffins feel extremely guilty realizing that Adam West got lymphoma just because they were using their superpowers to be petty jerks. By technicality that would also make this moment an Unintentional Backup Plan. The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan episode "The Gypsy Caper". Suzie, Alan, Anne and Tom are exhausted, Tom spots a hive and suggests they partake of the honey as a natural energy source.

Unfortunately, the bees aren't too thrilled about that and the group ends up getting a second wind by fleeing and diving into a lake. In Jackie Chan Adventures Jade destroys Shendu after they beat him at the end of season 1. Unfortunately this allows other forms of evil beings to come forth, since the world NEEDS a balance of good and evil. The only reason it seems things float towards the good side of things is because said evil is sealed, NOT destroyed. I said face the dragon, not waste the dragon!

During the Three Kingdomsthe Battle of Chibi was a case of this. The warlord Cao Cao, fresh over his conquest of northern China, marched his forces south in order to subjugate the only truly major opposition to his reunification of China: Liu Biao and Sun Quan.

Liu Biao died and his successor quickly surrendered, and Cao prepared for war with Sun despite his forces being exhausted from the long march, many of his best generals and officers staying behind to consolidate his new territory and the fact that the terrain in the area was unsuited for the cavalry tactics he used with such efficiency.

His reasoning was sound: He hoped to intimidate Sun into surrender, or at least breakthrough and force said surrender. A combination of determined resistance, unseasonable weather that made the famous fire attack even more effective and plague forced his retreat. The colonization of New England. Most of the British colonies in North America were set up either as trading posts or as cash cows for profitable crops.

New England, on the other hand, was Britain's dumping ground for social misfits and religious dissidents - basically anyone they didn't know what to do with. Massachusetts in particular was a hotbed of political radicals and religious whackjobs for most of the 18th century.

Less than a century after its initial colonization, New England became the center of a secessionist movement that would eventually become The American Revolution. Maybe putting all the crazy people in one place wasn't such a great idea Mary Renault on the burning of Persepolis by Alexander the Great: Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time.

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