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Posted: FES Date of post: 09.07.2017

Full Podcast Page All Podcasts. From Gwyneth Paltrow to Kobe Bryant, big time celebs are hopping on the broth train. Not to mention, our guest this week helped Dwight Howard conquer sugar addiction. Cate Shanahan is a board-certified family physician and bona fide smartypants.

She trained in biochemistry and genetics at Cornell before attending Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. For 10 years she practiced medicine in Hawaii, where she studied ethnobotany and the culinary habits of her healthiest patients. She runs a metabolic health clinic in Denver, Colorado, and serves as the director of the Los Angeles Lakers PRO Nutrition Program. Play in new window Download. As I understand it, the fact that Kobe Bryant drinks bone broth is your fault, is that right?

I would have to take responsibility for that one. That and the awesome chef at the Lakers facility who makes it for him. For whatever reason, bone broth is taking off right now. Why is broth so important? Not all diets, but all traditional diets back before chronic disease was such an issue.

What bone broth does for us specifically is that, when you boil cartilage material in water with a little bit of acid like vinegarand some tasty aromatics like carrots and celery, it extracts compounds called glycosaminoglycans, which act like growth hormone and growth serum for all the collagen in your body.

It swelled up immediately and we got him a bunch of bone broth right away, because we had some pre-made by the hotel. And instead of being out for 4 to 6 weeks like was originally predicted, he was out for 12 daysand then he was back on the court again. A lot of people are freaked out by bone broth. They think they have to go and slaughter an animal on their own, find all the bones, bring them back, and boil it up huge pot.

The way they do in other countries right now that make traditional foods. They will try to use every bit of the stuff, so when they make bacon, they always save the fat. In Korea, bone stock is almost like tea.

Traditional households will always have some kind of a bone stock bubbling on the stove, and they flavor it with all different kinds of things, like ginseng and ginger and other Korean or Asian herbs. Broth is a different kind of pick-me-up than tea. I remember the first time I had broth made with grass-fed beef bones with the marrow in it.

I felt it in my brain, like a little head buzz. Within 10 seconds, there was something that kind of came over me. It was a marrow-based stock, because the bone marrow has different nutrients than the joints. They actually seem to have benefits for our bone marrow. This is almost like a homeopathic way of thinking about health. The bone marrow of another animal has nutrients that are good for our bone marrow and our immune system.

The marrow bones are a lot easier to come by. Broth can also be super cheap. I remember when we were living by the Smoky Mountains, we were getting grass-fed bones and joints—marrow bones, even—for a dollar a pound.

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I read recently that almost all of our conventional chicken feet are shipped to China because they have a huge appetite for it there. Organ meats are another big one, right? So a lot of people have grown up now without ever eating them and really, not a lot of people tell me they crave liver or kidney pie, anything like that.

Aside from the protein, you have iron and a small amount of B vitamins. To get liver, what we get is a whole ton of B vitamins and a bunch of minerals, and we also get some omega-3 fatty acids. And when we include kidneys in our diet, we get a whole different set of nutrients. We sliced them up, fried them in garlic butter, and that was it.

And they were good. Garlic butter is kind of like a salve for unusual food. Living in the modern world, toxins are assaulting us all the time. What do you recommend to mitigate that damage? This opens the door to a big conversation, which is, we talk about toxins that are contaminants in the food chain.

Toxins that compose a substantial portion of the calories in our diet. A thousand times more soy oil. Nothing else in the food chain, nothing else can you say that about.

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Certainly not a major ingredient in your food. One of them, I just posted on my website. She did an experiment where she added linoleic acid in the amounts that humans eat to the diet of rats, and compared that to a bunch of other diets, and a normal rat chow diet, and a diet where the other fat was coconut oil. This is a real blow to the calories-in and calories-out model. Some people would say, well, maybe they were just less active, because that does happen as people and animals gain weight: They reduce their calorie burn as well.

Tell us where he started and what happened after your intervention with the big man. So Dwight Howard is a seven-foot center who was working with the Lakers at the time. This was a couple seasons ago, and he had had back surgery the summer before he started with the Lakers. Kobe Bryant was making fun of him on Twitter, and they were having Twitter wars, and he was really having a tough time.

And that was a red flag to me that something was really wrong with his nervous system, because the level where his back surgery was was low down in the spine; it should not have affected his hands.

And the fact that he was having tingling in his hands told me there was something systemic going on. Dwight was famous for eating candy when I met him after giving a talk about sugar. Cate, can I show you something? That was his after-lunch snack, and he was going to get more later on.

So it was no secret that he loved candy. To heal from anything that may be going on. She was using utensils for the first time in her life.

She was focusing on what people were saying. Well, that brings us to epigenetics. Epigenetics is the science of understanding how genes are expressed or how they are activated by stuff that we do on a daily basis in our lives, like sleep or not sleep, smoke, what kind of nutrients we get, that kind of thing.

And in general, you can say that our genes have these expectations. They have these nutritional and lifestyle expectations. But it is not like a letter code mutation that can be reversed potentially. The things that cannot be reversed so easily are the letter code mutations. For example, some of the rare genetic disorders, like cystic fibrosis. Some cancers, now you have hardwired mutations in your genes.

But even with that, the better your lifestyle, the better the other genes can express. And the genetic code is really intelligent and really capable of adapting when one part may not be working right.

We all vega neutral option strategy the potential in our genetic code to develop horrifying diseases. Yeah, it was quite insane how low these guys want to go so they can jump another half-inch or something like that.

What really changed, what really made me happy, was that once he got this stuff out of his diet, his performance noticeably improved.

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This was over the All-Star break that he had taken the junk out of his diet. They literally carried it out in boxes. It was bouncing off him like he was wearing oven mitts or something like that. But getting off it changed a lot of stuff really quickly, partly because he has these awesome genetics, but also partly because I think understanding it himself gave him a lot of hope.

I remember when I first started to understand the effect that all of these lifestyle factors have on your performance, the way you feel, your health, and all of that. And if you get old, you get old. You know what I mean? But you can actually turn back the clock.

Vegetable oil is liquid age. Because it is that toxic; it is that unhealthy. Smoking causes oxidative stress, and we know smoking has effects on the skin and the lungs that essentially accelerate your aging. It becomes every part of your body and every tissue in your body. So every tissue in your body is essentially going to be subject to an accelerated aging process. And how exactly that manifests is different in every genetically unique individual, somewhat defined by family history.

So exactly what will happen is somewhat unpredictable, but it is predictable that something bad will happen, and conversely, when you get it out of your diet. So I think of this now as though 60 years ago, Americans entered unknowingly into a massive medical experiment where we started eating the cheapest possible food.

Vegetable oils are very cheap to produce, cheap to manufacture, long shelf life. They make everything you put them in have a long shelf life. And this was an experiment. Actually, it was a literal experiment called the Minnesota Coronary Experiment that started in Minnesota in the late s by a man named Ancel Keys. So with the Minnesota Coronary Experiment, what Ancel Keys did was he designed two diets.

One was a high saturated fat how much money does kobe bryant make a minute the other was a high vegetable oil diet. And his hypothesis was twofold: So what he did was he had about nearly 1, people recruited into the study. But the second part of the study was never published until recently, when a team of medical investigators led by Christopher Ramsden at the National Institute of Health dug up the data.

It was autopsy slides. He looked for evidence of that secondary endpoint, which is what they never published. Did it reduce arteriosclerosis?

Did it reduce evidence of heart attack, strokes, and death? In fact, it seemed like there was a definite trend in making money lineage 2 of those endpoints to the experimental diet, the vegetable oil diet, compared to the saturated fat diet, being noticeably worse.

The longer they were in the experiment, people would die sooner, and have more heart attacks and have more strokes. That was never published. And margarine is loaded with trans fat. So my take on this is that I really feel like Ancel Keys and all the people that were participating in that experiment, they are killers. You have skin in the game there.

You have killed people. And how many millions of people have had heart attacks and strokes from believing in this? America is still participating in this massive medical experiment. It seems safe to say that this experiment is not turning out all that well. Well, you know what? Because we got results. We should have ended it a long time ago. We have the data that was now finally published in, I believe it was the British Medical Journal about August ofshowing there is this definite trend toward increased heart attacks, increased stock options deduction cra, and increased death.

So we know that. You know it has genetic effects, so not just epigenetic, but permanent letter code genetic effects. And it also has this oxidative stress concept. And oxidative stress, like I say, is like the great disease maker. It is why I call vegetable oil liquid age. Instant formula is made out of this stuff. So this experiment has been shown to be the biggest, most humongous health catastrophe anyone could ever have imagined.

And our current health system is basically the economy: Because it turns out, well, selling cheap food is good for business. I was telling people to keep eating your unhealthy food. I want to make sure we also talk about symmetry. And when you look at people intraday online stock trading techniques have been eating traditional foods in the way that they were raised, you have startling pictures in your book that demonstrate symmetry in action.

But dynamic symmetry is how our parts all fit together. Because dynamic symmetry is based on this very special ratio that allows parts to maintain their proportions as they grow.

And so it enables our teeth to all fit inside our face. The same goes with people. That enables us to have all of our parts in proportion, so everything functions ideally. We actually respond emotionally, because our brains have the same kind of growth within the nervous system, and essentially, we recognize something familiar out there in the outside world.

We recognize that pattern and our brains resonate with it. And so we emotionally feel good when we see anything that has this symmetry. So we can forex point break software as successfully as possible and so the child will have the best chance at surviving in what used to be a very tough world survival-wise, but is still a very tough world success-wise.

And so, when our brain cells are built right, our brains work better as well. But boy, we get a lot of before-and-after pictures in our online community, the Tribe.

You can see it in their face, in their eyes, their cheeks, the way their whole body is organized. I bet the guys in the NBA would love that.

Eight feet tall now. Yeah, I mean, the guys that start young enough. I would say they may get another inch or two out of doing this. Vitamin D will now work better; your testosterone will now work better. What happens when you have a vegetable oil and sugar diet for too long, sometimes your hormone making systems give up. And you kind of dwindle down in a negative spiral that you can break out of by getting these two things out of your diet, and getting back on what we call a human diet.

So all of the four pillars together compose the human diet. It seems you take the food pyramid and flip it on its head. Is that about right? Because if you look at natural foods, our human composition is roughly the same.

One of my favorite fast foods is just cheese and nuts. So you can now add rice bran oil to that list, and then some grapeseed oils can be added to that list. But we do know that those six oils are almost always processed. So you have to use two other senses. But good olive oil has a lot of flavor. And your other sense is your sense of cash. That should be the seventh sense. But actually, when you look at cheap food, processed food, that stuff is marked up way more than what seems to be more expensive, but is actually food.

Because the year experiment was designed to see what happens when we eat the cheapest possible food. And another thing, since you are a doctor, could you comment just a little bit about how the food budget and the medical budget should really all be considered kind of the lifestyle budget, and what the implications are of having high medical costs?

Deep Nutrition it is a wonderful book. Our book is available at bookstores everywhere. You can check out on my website for lots of other information as well.

You can also find Dr. Cate Shanahan on Twitter drcateshanahanon Instagram drcateshanahanon Facebook DoctorCate. Discover how to drop fat with chocolate, bacon, and cheesecake. Are you ready to drop fat, boost energy, and take your health into your own hands? NO MORE boring meals and calorie-counting wheels. No more embarrassing weigh-ins or killer treadmill workouts. Just delicious food and simple home exercise that will have you shedding fat in no time.

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In volleyball, efficient performance in vertical jumping is considered one of the key attributes required of elite players since this activity is involved in most offensive and defensive movements. The vertical jump demands considerable aerobic power and muscular endurance and is characterised by eccentric and concentric muscular action.

These findings were more evident in participants with a magnesium dietary intake lower than the Recommended Dietary Allowance. SPPB score — Short Physical Performance Battery, consists of 3 objective physical function tests: A group showed improvement for bench press concurring with previous research which was not seen in Chr. Lower-extremity muscle power tended to be higher with higher serum magnesium; however, the relation was not significant.

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Just read the transcript but I plan to listen as well…so much great stuff here!

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I make bone broth but not often enough, so I do supplement daily with collagen peptides. They give me incredible energy. Trying to get brave enough to try some others but not there yet.

I feel better than I ever have. Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes:. Join more thanreaders and listeners and get weekly fat loss and muscle-building tips, exclusive video training, expert interviews, and more for FREE!

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